My avatar stopped being even mildly funny four days ago. I need a new one.

Greg, you have the longest, narrowest head I've ever seen on a metal guitarist!

candidate for avatarcy:

I liked it 100x more the second time, but only about 50x as much the third time. It really is a decent film, with not too many more flaws than the first three SW films (they all had the bad acting and dialogue that AotC got ripped for).
As an aside, while I was searching for Banking Clan pics, I came across an article in which the writer rails against the "ethnic stereotyping" in the newer Star Wars films, citing the "Arab-looking Watto" and the "Semitic features of San Hill of the Banking Clan". Since when do the stereotypes of Jews include long, narrow heads and no noses?


again I don't see it....critics are such douchbags....

I hate all the people you read into shit too much....
except for that thing about the smurfs being KKK members...that's totally true...
I also saw criticism of Episode II that faulted Lucas for having Django and Boba Fett be "Arabs" and "basically terrorists", noting that "Boba sounds like the Arabic word for 'father'". Simultaneously a Hispanic advocacy group complained that the Fetts were representative of "Latino/as always being the villains".

Unfortunately, the actor who plays Django is Maori. Oops.