My AVT275 Died...Help needled


Jul 21, 2003
Oulu, Finland
I put this at the jackson and BC rich boards as well to help me solve this..

Well, its a Marshall AVT275.

I was at band practising today playing at about volume 7-8 and suddenly all the power dies from my amp... the red light goes off and everything...

This really sucks.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what could be wrong???

check fuses. . .if its tube, check tubes, voltage dips occur too, so make sure it just didnt die. Check at the breaker, you may have tripped it.
Thanks bob. Where are the best places to check the circut breaker...

Its just got a single preamp tube so i seriously doubt its that cause i was using the same gainsetting as always and so the preamp tube wouldn't have noticed a difference in anything...

and roughly how many fuses would i have to check, best place to find them and how to replace them?

Thanks a lot :D
NeedledWarheart said:
Thanks bob. Where are the best places to check the circut breaker...

Its just got a single preamp tube so i seriously doubt its that cause i was using the same gainsetting as always and so the preamp tube wouldn't have noticed a difference in anything...

and roughly how many fuses would i have to check, best place to find them and how to replace them?

Thanks a lot :D
there should be fuses on the Amp itself. also check yoru mains connection.

by circuit breaker i mean fuse box, the big one, for the house.
~Ahhhhh, def. not my circut breaker cause i was in a rehersal room and everything else worked fine when i plugged another amp in.

I hope its just my Fuses
On the BC Rich boards, there was a discussion a while back where they mentioned weak soldering links on the AVT series... you might want to check those.
i have no idea what a marshall AVT has inside, but i remember a guy who was in one of my bands before had a peavey 5150 head, and the transformers used to die all the time, maybe it the same thing? just a guess
NeedledWarheart said:
Transformer?? SHit dude,. the only electronics i know is whats inside a guitar.. where would i find such a thing?
dood. . open it up and take a few decent pictures of the Chassis, then upload them here. . and i will draw on them and tell you what is what.
I can't find that link for the BCR forum right now... sorry man.

It didn't really discuss anything in depth, it was just a tube vs solid state amp debate and they mentioned the AVT having poor solder connections. They also said something about solid state amps overheating easily, and how the "lower quality" parts in a solid state amp are more prone to damage caused by overheating.

If your power died like that, while playing at volumes 7/8, I'm thinking something overheated too, since the AVT more of a solid state amp. I'm definately no electronics person though... you might as well take your amp to a shop or something, those solid state amps get complex under the hood.
the same thing happened to me with my AVT50. i checked the fuses, it blew, so i tried a new one, and it blew as soon as i turned it on. i took it to some repair guy, it was still under warranty so i didnt have to pay for it, but it took this guy like 3 months to get it back to me. i love marshalls, but when it comes to repair, they suck. they wanted to ship it all the way to england just to check it out. the whole amp instead of just the circuit board, and have me pay for it. i said hell no and somehow it ended up working out ok. just see if there are any official marshall repair places/people around. by the way, i got it back, it was a new amp. it works great.
Shit, same problem. My local guy takes about 2 weeks to fix marshalls and shit but charges a lot... :(

Hey man, may i ask. How did yours originally get fucked in the first place???
Yeah, I bought my AVT150 combo pretty cheap a few years ago to mainly use it as a power amp, and it was used, and is still going strong, giving me great digital tone thanks to my Digitech GNX. I know, that wont help you for shit, but Im just saying that I have one as well....fuck..Im bored.