My Axe FX amp demos on Youtube


Aug 28, 2011
Hi all,

I recently started recording some random riffs just to test out amp models on my Axe FX which I haven't really used in recordings before, and I though I could just as well share my results with the world. So far I've only done two, but I'll probably do a lot more. If you want me to try out a specific model or drive/amp/cab combo, just let me know and I'll give it a shot!

Soldano 100:

ENGL Powerball:

Diezel VH-4:

Bogner Uberschall:

I will add more as I make more!:D
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I love the Soldano video, like i said at GitarNorge :D
The others are awesome aswell. Is there a 5150 model in the Axe FX? If so, would be cool if you could do a demo with it :)
Hey, sounds awesome...thanks for doing this! I have an Axe-FX II and I am having trouble coming up with a good sound like these... would you be able to post just a raw guitar track straight from the Axe with the Soldano 100 preset so that I can see what it is supposed to sound like? And could you tell me exactly what is in your chain and any settings for it that you changed? Thanks!
Hey, sounds awesome...thanks for doing this! I have an Axe-FX II and I am having trouble coming up with a good sound like these... would you be able to post just a raw guitar track straight from the Axe with the Soldano 100 preset so that I can see what it is supposed to sound like? And could you tell me exactly what is in your chain and any settings for it that you changed? Thanks!

Here you go: 100 Raw guitars.mp3

I'm using a Tube Drive block into the SLO100 block, and finally a Recto Cab block. Other than tweaking the basic EQ settings of the amp to your taste, make sure you apply a good amount of drive and not just level (drive 0 level 100 always sounds shit when I do it), and then use the Low Cut on the amp to cut a lot of lows and the High Cut to cut some highs. I also use the SM57 mic model here, which really helps with some extra sizzle. The SM57 in particular makes it sounds worse by itself, but blends it in with the mix better IMO.

Good luck! :)
That's pretty much it, yes. I don't always pan 100% left/right, but when I do, kittens get scared. Sometimes narrower panning (50%-70%) fits better. I can make short mixing tutorial later, but until then, just check out Ola Englund's tutorials. They pretty much sum up what I'm doing. :)
I love the Soldano video, like i said at GitarNorge :D
The others are awesome aswell. Is there a 5150 model in the Axe FX? If so, would be cool if you could do a demo with it :)

Here you go, Peavey 5150 model w/ EMG81/basswood/ Drop D tuning. Enjoy!
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