My band made a "pro" album, 7 people heard it..


This post is for advice on how to get your album "out there". Any suggestions on cool sites , internet radio or pages to share original music? My band is Hard Rock type with somewhat metal edge just for reference. Any suggestions are welcome. Excessive touring is not an option since I have a mortgage and kids.
Whatever you do, don't spam your band on pages and whore yourself out. Join some forums, make a few posts here and there, and see if people bite. If not, give it some time. Not everyone gets to be in a band that is actually, you know, successful. That is quite rare.
Thanks man. I consider success to simply keep a band together and record an album that's good songwise and sonically sound. We have accomplished that twice and that's a chore all its own. By the end of this album I was just mentally drained. You do it for yourself but hope someone notices beyond your friends and other local bands.
Interact with people who make similar music to yours on Soundcloud and Follow them and make an effort to listen/comment about their stuff. Ditto with like-minded groups on Facebook that are open to members sharing their own music.

Set a forum signature with the Bandcamp/whatever link to your album so people can randomly check it out when you post about anything else on here.

Failing all that, use your music as a soundtrack for hilarious homemade YouTube videos.
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