My Band Needs To Pick A Cover Song


World's Greatest Vocalist
Aug 10, 2003
My band has decided to do an epic cover song, and we've narrowed it down to two choices.

Hallowed Be Thy Name- Iron Maiden


One- Metallica

Which one? I need some feedback fast!
No, man, you don't get it. One or the other. No suggestions. Hallowed or One? Pick one, then tell me why.
dill_the_devil said:
I'd say go for 'One', if only because James' voice is a lot easier to emulate accurately than Bruce's, and unless your singer has a really, really unique voice and can totally bring his own style to 'Hallowed...', it's just going to annoy people.

Good point.

And c'mon Nick, I read your post, I just think those songs would be bad covers, DNR, now there's a song!
istari said:
I'll go with AjDeath's suggestion... Why play metallica when you can play Testament? DNR, Dog Faced Gods or Sewn Shut Eyes!

Dog Faced Gods \m/

And no, it doesn't get any better than Lombardo and James Murphy, and Eric Peterson, and Steve DiGiorgio, and Chuck Billy, dare I say the best line-up ever assembled?
Hey, I like Testament, but...our one guitarist doesn't know them, our bassist listens to funk and classic rock(RHCP and The Who), our other guitarist wants to do One and I want Hallowed, so that's why I'm asking. We're in indecision. Personally, I'd do Over The Wall if I had to do Testament. Love that song!
Play Hallowed Be Thy Name. Do you really want any true metal heads in the crowd thinking you're associating yourself with a sellout band by paying homage to their first sell out song?

Hallowed Be Thy Name=Unabashed Metal

play Hallowed Be Thy Name

check out, Norcal metal site, started by my friend who happens to be a maniacal Maiden fan. they just had their 4th anniversary at the Pound in SF with tons of musicians grouping together to form 5 bands to cover Maiden tunes for an evening, including Machine Head's Adam and Phil, Skinlab's Snake, Technocracry's Mark, and Iron Vegan's Russ doing a cover of Hallowed Be Thy Name!
AllWithinMyMonster said:
One First Sellout Song? Shut Your Fagget Mouth Pussyfaced Fagget Fuck!

my aren't we an inspiritional speaker. you have put your points across in the wrong manner. by expressing them like you have you give out the impression that you have less brain cells than toes . you could have expressed the same point like thus

AllWithinMyMonster said:
One. meh:loco: that was when Metalica sold out. if you going to cover them cover one of their earlier and musically better tracks like Creeping death or four horseman. or better still just go with the Maiden track!

you see if you had said your feelings in a manner similar to that, you wouldnt have looked like a moron would you.