Mat or Mateo
WIll it be updated another time ? I want the final version before hitting the buy button 
I like your singer. It's not the typical type of voice but I absolutely don't care, it works so it's all good !
The only thing that bothers's me in the drums programming, it's quite fine, just it sounds obvious in a few occasions it's programmed. Some parts are still slightly robotic, especially the blast beats. I have never tried to program blast beats myself, maybe it would be beneficial to look into one of those midi banks to see how they are playing "in real" velocity wise ?

I like your singer. It's not the typical type of voice but I absolutely don't care, it works so it's all good !
The only thing that bothers's me in the drums programming, it's quite fine, just it sounds obvious in a few occasions it's programmed. Some parts are still slightly robotic, especially the blast beats. I have never tried to program blast beats myself, maybe it would be beneficial to look into one of those midi banks to see how they are playing "in real" velocity wise ?