My band's music video is done!

The road was part of the inspiration for the vibe of the album, and the artwork, and hence this video, so it's cool that that vibe came through!

Yea, I'm the bass player.

The bass string thing was per my request for a sort of Pantera tribute, haha. We spent a while setting up the shot with a high camera speed, but. Strangely more than just that one shot had the effect, but that cool with me!
Yeah, really diggin the bass string shot :D Reminded me of the 5 Minutes Alone video!
Your drummer looks pretty big...and I've got the feeling that somebody wants a Dean
endorsment ;) ...or already has one
Good eye on the Dean endorsement thing. :D
The bass in the video doesn't leave the studio anymore. I have a couple Demonators that I use for shows.

We can't put the video on youtube yet until the noisecreep debut deal is over, but as soon as we have it's available I'll put a youtube link in the original post for those who haven't been able to stream it.
How are the Dominators?
Never had the chance to play one and a good friend of mine is looking
for one and could get it pretty cheap, but no way to test it before.
He's going to use it with a dirty sound and pick in Kataklysm influenced

Watched it like 5-6 times now and I really dig the intro and outro music (the rest, is cool, too).
Very nice vid dude.. like it alot! Though, I'm extremely partial to anything post-apocalyptic.. haha
