My best work so far- CITY IN THE SEA


New Metal Member
Nov 28, 2009
There is barely any low end. Kick needs to comup as well as the bass. The guitars seem like they need some mids too. But good overall tone to them . Just would like to hear a fuller sound. Good production though, sounds top notch.
yeah i can hear where you're coming from. the subwoofer i have is garbage so sometimes its hard for me to hear accurate lower frequencies. thanks tho!
well the guitars are all from pod farm with some ozone 4 to tighten up the 5k-10k region. and on some of the breakdowns i triggered a gate on the guitars and bass with signal from the kick and snare. (this mostly just tightened up the release of the guitars to make it sound cleaner)

for the screaming i usually put it through very light harmonic distortion like plugins. I think for this band I used tape-head from massey. and some multiband EQ, its mostly just tweaking the settings right. oh, and i compressed the screaming vocals at about 5/1 ratio, with attack at about .2ms and release at 50ms. threshold is pretty low as well.

for the singing i ran it through eqs, plate reverb, and also sent it through a bus in which i seperated the audio into several frequency bands on differnt aux tracks (100-200)(200-400)(400-800)... ect. and going up through the bands panned left and right. this gave it a wayy bigger sound.
and yeah im bummed about that low end:( unfortunately these tracks are already sent out.
overall sounds a little papery... id try more high end on snare. also guitars need more character. id try voxengo curve eq with some of splatts curves on them for a more 3d sound.

basically your weakest point is the drums. bring up the cymbals and add sizzle to the whole thing. maybe a great mastering will do the trick.

but so far - good work!
I listened to The Long Lost. Overall sounds really good. It is extremely lacking in the low end though. My sub is barely doing anything. My other complaint is that the hi-hats are harsh and get annoying really fast. It sounds like there's nothing but 5K and up for the hats and overheads. Cymbals could really benefit from some body.
yeah thanks for letting me know your thoughts on the high hat! i always end up having a problem with the high end on the high hat. i try to get bright cymbals so i boost a little high end but i dont mic the high hat individually and it becomes wayy to sizzley. ive tried compressing those frequencies but still no luck. I think its mostly a matter of overhead placement.