And fuck mary-jane cigarettes (AKA joints) btw, I can never keep the damn things burning, and they're so fragile :mad:
And fuck mary-jane cigarettes (AKA joints) btw, I can never keep the damn things burning, and they're so fragile :mad:

Dude I have a love-hate relationship with Js. Depends on the mood I think. I have probably explained this before, but, I have like a carton of empty cigarette tubes, with filters n all, and a cigarette shooter. This makes J making really easy. You stuff the shooter with your smoke, add an empty tube on the end, slide it back then forward, TA-DA!

P.S. I award 50,000,000 internets to Jorge.
Oh yeah, empty out a (Camel) crush and load it with the devil's lettuce, I remember :D Actually, that has occurred to me (the shooter idea), and I'm sure a big reason I've had bad J experiences have been how they were rolled or crap bud that won't stay lit (smoked with my friend's Dad a couple of weeks ago, he had the nastiest bud I have EVER seen, it seriously was like yellowish-brown :lol: ) - J's are admittedly good for stealth smoking, just gotta decide whether I wanna invest in a shooter or a one-hitter! Decisions decisions :goggly:
i love joints but its a waste of weed reaaally. shit just keeps burning even when you're not smoking.

and marcus if your joints are fragile you just need to learn how to roll a fucking joint.
try wrapping your paper around a pencil if you wanna cheat. wrap around the pencil, twist to make it conical if that's your jam, lick the paper, put your roach in and funnel your weed in, then use something to compact the weed down (compacting the weed is the key to having your joints not be flimsy)
When did I ever say I rolled any? ;)

And blunts are cool with a lot of people, but man, too big and too dirty for regular use IMO!

ill roll one on monday and finish it on like wed lol plus the game blunts last for what feels like years...around here everyone likes dutches but games last twice as long and imo are alot smoother
Oh yeah, Dutches are just popular cuz of the price I think :D Anyway, soon I'll be getting one of these, so combustion will pretty much become a thing of the past for me! (honestly, my main motivation is just how much more you can get out of every "pack" when vaping, a little goes a long way, good for the cheap bastards :D)
That and where i live everyone thinks there gangster and hear about dutches in music so they have to smoke them to be cool or some shit....beyond me
Haha, yeah man, it's at the top of my list of things to buy with birthday/XMAS money (they're only 6 days apart :mad: )
Oh yeah, Dutches are just popular cuz of the price I think :D Anyway, soon I'll be getting one of these, so combustion will pretty much become a thing of the past for me! (honestly, my main motivation is just how much more you can get out of every "pack" when vaping, a little goes a long way, good for the cheap bastards :D)

still havent tried a vaporizer yet but i hear it gets you seriously, seriously stoned
on my to do list, fo sho.

cant see anything ever replacing smoking for me though, i enjoy it far too much.
vaps are sweet but i couldnt actually tell how much i was inhaling...a friend of mine picked one up and we smoked and just sat and watched gremlins on repeat for basically the whole day...def makes you feel good inside
Vaping is where it's at man. You use half the amount (maybe even a quarter the amount) of weed and get twice the high. If you can't tell how much you're inhaling you're not doing it correctly. You should still blow out vapor, and still cough if you get too much. It looks just like smoke but it's vapor. We have this one:

It's great. I highly (no pun intended lol) recommend it.

EDIT: I just saw it was already recommended above, so you can make that a x2
It depends how much you pack in there, but usually between 12 and 2pm. You're supposed to vape at the lowest temperature possible for the best efficiency.