My brother is trying to kill me...

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
Okay... so, here I am, on the computer at 10:30 at night... my brother comes in, holding the cordless phone and demanding that I get off the Internet so he can call his friend Doug... at 10:30 at night. So far, I am convinced that he and Doug and the rest of my brother Ethan's friends are part of a gay skate cult that has its headquarter located at 'The Skate Park' in scenic downtown Westminster aka the Heroin Capital of Maryland. That's the only thing that can explain their compulsive needs to always be on the phone with each other and always needing to see in they can "go to the skatepark"... every day. Gay. Skate. Cult.
Anyway... he'll often get so infuriated with the fact that I don't get off the Internet that he'll start throwing things at me. Whatever he can find lying around... pencils, pens, blunt objects, etc. This occasion was no exception. He threw a pencil at me. Then he did it again. Except, since it's darker in here now than it is during the day, he didn't see that what he threw at me was not a pencil, but one of my mom's XACTO knives.
*knife hits me on the shoulder and ctings like a bitch* *I pick up knife and glare at him*
Ethan- *laughing his ass off* Oh shit! I didn't know that was a knife! Shit! Sorry!
*I get up and proceed to bitchslap him*
Just making my triumphant (?) return to starting useless thread here.

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the bag of tater tots says that 13 tater tots is one, i don't think so.
and oh god i'm out of dr. pepper again!:erk:




I AM the leafslaying basketeer. Fear me!!!

It's just a flesh wound...
Carnivorous Cheeses!!!
In addition to the minor XACTO blade wound on my shoulder, I am now having back pain... Damn back. I think it's from sitting here at the computer staring at the computer for too long... at least that's what "aggrivates" it...
dreaming neon darkspot said:
Okay... so, here I am, on the computer at 10:30 at night... my brother comes in, holding the cordless phone and demanding that I get off the Internet so he can call his friend Doug... at 10:30 at night.

Don't you know that the biggest brother always is right, and always should be obeyed immediately by his younger sisters and brothers? :muahaha:

Carl (obviously the biggest brother in his family ;) )

EDIT: Oh, perhaps he wasn't the biggest, that changes everything then...
ct_thrash said:
tater tots and okra. that would be a mighty thanksgiving feast indeed:tickled:

hell yeah that's mighty thanksgiving feast.... i'm in brooklyn, where we drink our meals... i'm going to attack a case of Colt 45 like a savage today... mmmm... malt liquor
Child of Time - I like your attitude, dude.

DNDS - that's fucked up. But at least he can't throw. Next time, punch him in the solar plexus. Hard. He won't be able to breathe for a minute or so. (Don't hit TOO hard, can kill someone like that).

Oh, and welcome back to the fall.