Wow my brother is lucky...

MICHAEL ROMEO MICHAEL ROMEO MICHAEL ROMEO MY BROTHER MY BRUTHA MY BRUDDA!!! Dammit Matt stop stealing my thread! :hypno: It sure is nice to have someone from an actual band on my threads though, it makes me feel warm and fat inside... No, wait. I feel like that all the time! :Spin:
Warm? Umm... *runs outside*......................................... *comes back 3 hours later* nope, still cold oudside. Wait, that makes no sense. Yes it doesn't. You gotta soap, muffle, and goooooo home. Trogdor pwns. Anyone watch Pwn*Runner? I can't get enough of it. (more random than previous reply)
DoomsdayZach said:
i still think i'm the shit because matt moliti talks to me. So.... eat it losers! HAHA!!!!

*leans battle axe against shoulder and walks silently off into the sunset*
(continued) Only to realise a little too late that Trogdor was waiting behind a rock up ahead and then you get burninated.