Wow my brother is lucky...


Bi-weekly top album:
Nov 5, 2005
Sanford, Maine
My brother is talking to MJR on the phone right now. I feel so great that he has his phone number! Comments? My brother met him maybe, 2 years ago and they have become friends. If only i could talk to him... :erk: I wish I had something else to say, but WHAT THE HELL, IT'S MJR HE'S TALKING TO HERE!
I would want to touch you, but way too many people would take that out of context, so that idea is out.
I have Stephan Lill's email address. I've only used it once or twice. I'd be too expensive to call over there.

What's cool is that he emailed me first.

Why not just aske to speak to MJR for a minute, tell him how great you think he is, and then give the phone back.
Yngvai X said:
Ah, I don't blame him. Sometimes I don't know who I am either ;)
I hate when that happens.

DoomsdayZach said:
Well, you know i always considered you to be an important individual.

Wait... i misspelled that. Impotent. You are an impotent individual