Back from the land of the dead here folks, hows it goin?
Anyhow, it's AugDawg again and I just wanted to drop a line to all my fellow traxheads!
The new side project that I've been doing called "Demon Halo" is now completed and I'll be putting some MP3's online soon. This project is a horror rap duo comprised of yours truely (AugDawg) and The Omen (D-node). Anyone into Grave diggers, ICP, Twisted, or Esham will dig it 4 sure! Here is a current song list of this 13 song monstronsity.
1-Can't kill the Dead
3-No rest for the wicked
6-Demons Anthem
7-Unholy Shit
8-I apologize
10-U showed me religion(I believe in hell because of you)
11-When I get out of hell
12-Coming back 4 U
13-Somethin bout life
Speaking of apologies, I owe a couple of you free copies of the second AugDawg album "F.U.2" which is finished but has been delayed due to the continually fading economy in this country! However, this finacial problem will be set to rest soon, and several of you will be receiving one sometime soon. If you want a copy of "F.U.2" please send me a email at augustwitzgall@hotmail.com. The new Thrax rules, I simply love it. Be sure to check out my review on it at http://www.epinions.com/content_99060780676
Also, I've been hired by AOL!
And you won't see me here as much as you use too because this company is very strict on their employess using the internet! Talk about a strange call, a company that is online doesn't let their employees use the internet!
Love 2 you all, and many metal lined dreams!
Back from the land of the dead here folks, hows it goin?
Anyhow, it's AugDawg again and I just wanted to drop a line to all my fellow traxheads!
The new side project that I've been doing called "Demon Halo" is now completed and I'll be putting some MP3's online soon. This project is a horror rap duo comprised of yours truely (AugDawg) and The Omen (D-node). Anyone into Grave diggers, ICP, Twisted, or Esham will dig it 4 sure! Here is a current song list of this 13 song monstronsity.
1-Can't kill the Dead
3-No rest for the wicked
6-Demons Anthem
7-Unholy Shit
8-I apologize
10-U showed me religion(I believe in hell because of you)
11-When I get out of hell
12-Coming back 4 U
13-Somethin bout life
Speaking of apologies, I owe a couple of you free copies of the second AugDawg album "F.U.2" which is finished but has been delayed due to the continually fading economy in this country! However, this finacial problem will be set to rest soon, and several of you will be receiving one sometime soon. If you want a copy of "F.U.2" please send me a email at augustwitzgall@hotmail.com. The new Thrax rules, I simply love it. Be sure to check out my review on it at http://www.epinions.com/content_99060780676
Also, I've been hired by AOL!

And you won't see me here as much as you use too because this company is very strict on their employess using the internet! Talk about a strange call, a company that is online doesn't let their employees use the internet!
Love 2 you all, and many metal lined dreams!