My business venture!

i can't think of any names but this sounds like a pretty legit idea, especially since you seem to know a lot about it so you wouldn't fuck up peoples shit haha, plus it seems like there would be a demand. i know i personally have some shirts that don't fit well but i like them so i still wear them so your idea fits for things that matter to both guys and girls.
uhh... no ideas for a name, sorry.

would you be altering shirts that you buy/have or would we have to send you a shirt and money or something? just saying, i'm totally gonna be one of your customers. i'm tired of metal band shirts making me look boyish.
Isabel, I already want to buy a metal shirt, (which I'll provide) and I want you to make it with the laces on the sides - I think you've done it for yourself one time
and posted a picture, and that was my favorite!
So I'll buy one from ya, as soon as you start with your bizzzz :)
Epicus Threadicus Metalicus
To Mega Stitcheron
Sews of Black
Inno A Stitchtanica
Travel in Stitchian
Seam of the Hammer
Stitch & Destroy