My Century Media mailorder haul


Feb 20, 2005

"Reckoning Night" and "Unia" I already had, these are XMAS presents for my Mom (she loves Sonata, so therefore that's definitely a love worth nurturing :D). And I heard some songs off "Symmetric" and realized I HAD to have it, and honestly, I already like it better as a whole than "Holographic Universe" - there are just so many weak choruses on the latter, IMO, it really is disappointing. And I've heard awesome stuff about Swallow the Sun, so I wanted to check 'em out - they're newest seemed like the best bet!

Also, the DVD sampler disc was a sweet surprise - of note, it has two selections from the Nevermore DVD and two from the new Arch Enemy DVD, so those will be good for a watch. Just thought I'd brag about my support for the industry!
Unia I didn't dig. Reckoning Night is AWESOME, but what's even more awesome is that your moms diggz the Power Metulz. Hhaha. Century is always cool about hookups with samplers.
Well IMO the first half of Unia rules, then it absolutely nosedives except for "Worlds forgotten, words forgiven" and "Black Swan" - either way, gotta go for completion sake! :lol: My favorite is still definitely Silence, though, which also happens to be in my top 10 albums of all time :)
Well IMO the first half of Unia rules, then it absolutely nosedives except for "Worlds forgotten, words forgiven" and "Black Swan" - either way, gotta go for completion sake! :lol: My favorite is still definitely Silence, though, which also happens to be in my top 10 albums of all time :)

Silence is so good
dang I haven't ordered from them for like ten years. half the stuff I'd try to order would come back as not in stock. one time I dropped like $100 and I ended up not liking any of it (it wasn't just CM label stuff). dark day my friend.