My Control/Mixing room advice...


Mathew Cohen
Ok... so its a crude drawing... though, I think MS Paint is a lost art form...

The dimensions of the room are 6'x6.5'x8'tall...

The blue rectangles are my windows and the window sills are about 5"-6" deep... The green rectangle is the door.

My problem is I want to optimize the space for mixing...

If I stick bass traps in the corner right behind the monitors and stick custom made baffle/absorbers for the windows that can be removed for tracking purposes... do you think that will cover a good portion of my sound waves bouncing around in there?

I've already got a 4'x4' area of auralex on the back wall in a diamond shape (it was free and I tried to make it look pretty)

I will actually take some pics later today if that will help get me the advice I need...

EDIT: oh and, I'm running the desk along the 6.5' wall... the window next to the door looks into the "live/drum room" and the other window looks into the vocal booth...

Ok, here is the good and bad news.

Bad news:

The room is very small and it will be hard to hear proper bass. It is also almost a perfect square and will be full of nodes.

I would put some heavy trapping in all the top corner of the room so as not to defeat space. By top corner I mean the edge of the side walls and ceiling. If you come by to pick up that disc we can talk more about it and I can show you some bass traps in my studio.

Oh the good news:
I've seen worse.
Ok, here is the good and bad news.

Bad news:

The room is very small and it will be hard to hear proper bass. It is also almost a perfect square and will be full of nodes.

I would put some heavy trapping in all the top corner of the room so as not to defeat space. By top corner I mean the edge of the side walls and ceiling. If you come by to pick up that disc we can talk more about it and I can show you some bass traps in my studio.

Oh the good news:
I've seen worse.

Oh... great... lol.

Yeah, I know where up in the corners... should I just lace the whole ceiling with traps?
Oh... great... lol.

Yeah, I know where up in the corners... should I just lace the whole ceiling with traps?

Before we go further... is there ANYWHERE else to put the mix setup? I assume this is some sort of hutch or walk in closet? The dimensions are pretty darn tight. I fear that you'll put a lot of work into that little space that will still only yield only "adequate" results, and in this game, thats not quite enough. I can imagine the room might give you some headaches trying to minimize room nodes and cancelations. If you do proceed in that room, get some seriously good reference headphones to check stuff on.
Before we go further... is there ANYWHERE else to put the mix setup? I assume this is some sort of hutch or walk in closet?

Yeah... not a closet though... but close to it.

I can imagine the room might give you some headaches trying to minimize room nodes and cancelations.


If you do proceed in that room, get some seriously good reference headphones to check stuff on.

Any Suggestions?

You are totally welcome to come over and check it out... I could use all the help I can get... and I'll buy the beer.