My copy of Infected Nations has SHIPPED! :D

Dave they take your money away when they ship it. So if you didnt have enough funds they cancel it. Its happened to me before to. :)

Yeah well it was paid for today - the £10.22 was withdrawn from my account so hopefully I'l has it soon!

And if I get sent the regular edition instead, I just might punch a viking-bear and eat someone's house. Dickheaded Amazon have made such mistakes before.
Im gonna buy the album.

Ive been shown it, and wasnt massivly keen at all. But maybe itll be a grower? I was just very bored by the whole thing. I purked up once through Plague To End all plagues possibly? Because there was a riff there that just turned me on a little, turns out it was familiar to me. And its been reworked from the Hell Demo i think.

The album has loads of cool riffs but songs as a whole feel too stretched out and boring. That lead tone (not the solo tone) did my head in a little, cos it was in a few songs and it was just like "oh, its here again". Vocals dont annoy me in the slightest. Infact i enjoyed the vocals a lot. The instrumental didnt feel great to me. For the most of it, i felt most riffs should have vocals there. It didnt feel right really. It was just one riff, next, next, next. Didnt progress in the way i thought it might like the Metallica ones flow really well. Didnt feel like it too much with this song.

I like the song Infected Nations a lot. Its better than earlier releases all together. But that was about it for me.

Thats all based on a listen and a bit through and another quick scan through on a promo copy. I like to buy music, downloading is naff and im into the whole artwork shit, so maybe with more listens ill change my mind.

Lets see if its a grower.
I finished a nightshift and stayed awake till 12.30pm hoping that my "Infected Nations" order would arrive today

Guess what?

Yep, I would have been better just going to bed at 9.00am

I have to admit on first listen through I found my self getting a bit restless with the songs. However I did like Metamorphosis straight off. Most aggressive sounding one I think. But on subsequent listens I have been able to get into the songs more and get more enjoyment out of them. I find this album comparable to Machine Head's The Blackening in this respect. Which is a good thing from my standpoint. Give it a few weeks and it might be one of my favourite albums ever. Maybe.
Similar to The Blackening? Oh dear god, when I first got that album I listened to it non stop, I sense this being the same form of result. As soon as my package arrives I'm wearing the tee like OOOOH YEEEEEEEEAH.
Comparing Infected Nations to The Blackening is like comparing Black Seeds of Vengeance to Genesis. Nitpicking a few miniscule similarities is just silly.

I find it really funny how 90% of people I've spoken to so far - especially the ones who loved Enter the Grave - tend to either dislike Infected Nations or it takes them absolutely ages to appreciate it. If straightforward thrash-by-numbers is your thing, go and listen to Toxic Failcaust.
Comparing Infected Nations to The Blackening is like comparing Black Seeds of Vengeance to Genesis. Nitpicking a few miniscule similarities is just silly.

I find it really funny how 90% of people I've spoken to so far - especially the ones who loved Enter the Grave - tend to either dislike Infected Nations or it takes them absolutely ages to appreciate it. If straightforward thrash-by-numbers is your thing, go and listen to Toxic Failcaust.
How is that funny. Pretty logical, seen that ETG was a straight-on thrash album (with maybe 20% different melodical stuff) and Infected Nations is.. more along the lines of progressive thrash.
Its funny for the exact reason I specified Everyone seems to love bog standard straightforward thrash, and whenever some slight change or experimentation or, dare I say this, MATURITY comes in they don't like it. All the changes made are for the better, as its set Evile apart from all the shit bands - yet people still prefer ETG.

I find that slightly gay.
Its funny for the exact reason I specified Everyone seems to love bog standard straightforward thrash, and whenever some slight change or experimentation or, dare I say this, MATURITY comes in they don't like it. All the changes made are for the better, as its set Evile apart from all the shit bands - yet people still prefer ETG.

I find that slightly gay.

I agree. Enter the Grave is a killer of an album, but Infected Nations rapes it. Enter the Grave could be considered a more 'fun' or 'easy' listen, but Infected Nations is so much better and captivating, more 'epic'.

I try not to make comparisons too much, but to me the progression from Enter the Grave to Infected Nations feels similar to the change between Kill em All and Ride the Lightning (I'm in no way saying the albums are similar). Evile have progressed hugely with this one, not to mention Matt's vocals are now top notch. There's a lot more behind this album, and I think it's too much of a contrast from Enter the Grave for some people. Of course it's all down to opinion, and some people are just going to not like it no matter what. :lol:
Opinion this, opinion that. Matter of fact is that some people just can't appreciate a band's newfound maturity and it pisses me off haha.

Oh, and my copy has supposedly shipped. Win