My copy of Till Fjälls...

Soulburner said:
Pirate cd's cost $2,5 so the one who told you that definitely doesn't live in Moscow...
He was as a tourist there, some time ago, probably inflation? Or maybe he reduced the price a bit, to make his story more interesting :-# Anyway, its a lot cheaper than in austria, so, if i came to russia, i´d buy a lot of cds too.
I'd rather have a weird record of "Till Fjälls" than the fucked-up colour of my longsleeve...
I will probably never wear it again (except when preparing Pytt-i-panna in the frying pan) :)
I also on this shitty copie...but it's good to have the first two releases on one cd, even if you go out with a disman.

But I'll buy the "normal" versions someday...
lord_storm said:
in poland we have such nice keys as ąćęłńóśźż. but nevertheless a record company (even though it is russioan:)) should be able to use "special" characters. They simply fucked up the cover and the cd, and you cannot defend them. The other thing is, that for example in my country it happens too often with swedish and norwegian bands tapes (for example i have original "Alvaferd" :) and totally fucked up Ulver's "Kveldssanger" - no track is named properly, and there are no special characters such as å...). I have no idea why record companies do not check such things, because i think it affects the actual purchase rate. when i buy a cd, i would really like to have all the tracknames and lyrics written properly...

Those compagnies (is it true companies or just pirates ?) care just about the money they can do, and not about music and custumer or artist and their works... That sad but it s most often the true in buisness. :erk:
Is there any copyright really apply on this copies, any retributions for the artist ? I think nop...

I always try to buy cd from the official distributor, so u can be quite sure where your money can go (to the artist i hope !), and never from "weird" companies or distributors
EdgeCrusher77 said:
Those compagnies (is it true companies or just pirates ?) care just about the money they can do, and not about music and custumer or artist and their works... That sad but it s most often the true in buisness. :erk:
Is there any copyright really apply on this copies, any retributions for the artist ? I think nop...

I always try to buy cd from the official distributor, so u can be quite sure where your money can go (to the artist i hope !), and never from "weird" companies or distributors
actually both cassettes vere released by polish "Mystic Production" on the license of Voices Of Wonder (Ulver-Kveldssanger) and Napalm Records (Otyg, but i'm not sure whether Aelvefaerd was released by Napalm too, because i have Sagovindars at home only, i borrowed the other...). So the money still goes to Ulver and Vintersorg... It is just that there are mistakes on the cover, and it should not be like that...
On another, similar topic, there´s a strange thing about my copy of "Cosmic Genesis". The back where you can find all the song-titles are all blurred and very hard to make out (unless you sit with a very strong light). I have looked at two friends' copies and they look alright.
A friend told me to keep this copy and sell it for lots of money in 10 years or so... :grin:
Draugen said:
I'd rather have a weird record of "Till Fjälls" than the fucked-up colour of my longsleeve...
I will probably never wear it again (except when preparing Pytt-i-panna in the frying pan) :)
Is that a official longsleeve shirt? And about the Cosmic Genesis... Yes it will worth a lot of many like 10 years in the future, like wrong stamps or money bills... My father has a 'missprinted' stamp that worth lots of money... It's from decades ago, but he won't sell to anyone!(DAMN! I could buy a really cool guitar, or really great drums, or maybe both with that money!)
and talking about Till Fjälls.... what's the name of the mountain on the cover? It looks like Matterhorn, or maybe it's just a digitally created mountain - does anybody knows?
Vintersägen said:
Is that a official longsleeve shirt? And about the Cosmic Genesis... Yes it will worth a lot of many like 10 years in the future, like wrong stamps or money bills... My father has a 'missprinted' stamp that worth lots of money... It's from decades ago, but he won't sell to anyone!(DAMN! I could buy a really cool guitar, or really great drums, or maybe both with that money!)
Yes, I assume that this is the official L/S shirt. I ordered it from But if I remember correctly, the print was fucked up from the beginning... Can anyone confirm this???