My Covers of Demon of The Fall and Serenity Painted Death


Jan 25, 2004
Whats up. Made these a while ago but could never find hosting till yesterday. I know they are far from perfect and the quality sucks but hey for a 2 dollar setup it rules :headbang: I think Serenity was one of the hardest songs Ive recorded. You dont know how technical it is until you actually learn it. Any comments acceptable even if you wanna bash them :cool:
That's pretty sweet, but yeah the recording is lacklustre. There's alot of digital clipping on those recordings - I'd suggest hard limiting and compressing a bit... maybe even using some EQ to space the elements out a bit.
I used Cool Edit Pro and I have no idea on how to mix or anything. Im sure there is a lot of stuff I could do that I dont even know about. Also since I dont have a plug in straight to the comp a lot of outside noise gets in. But thanks for the comments.
Of course there will be bashing, I guess I'll break it. Although I was very impressed with the SPD, I wasn't too impressed with DOTF. My band does a cover of that song too. First off, the bassline was wrong, because it doesn't follow the guitar. And the harmonies during the first verse were a little off. But other than that, sweet. What I did to learn some of the parets was I used a powertab(, and watched a bootleg of them playing it live. When we record ours, I'll put it on here. And excellent job on the ending.
It's pretty easy. You'll notice next to the 'lock' buttons are FX buttons. Use those to add some real-time effects to each track. You should hard limit each guitar track to about -.3db and you can also add a graphic equalizer aswell. Once you create the mixdown, you can try to squeeze all the volume you can out of that (compressing, limiting, boosting...). Just experiment around a bit.
If only I knew what that meant lol
Edit: Alright I found the hard limiting effect and Ill try and fuck around with it on my next recording.
Oh and the basslines might be wrong but I just used the tab.
iseesmurfs420 said:
Whats up. Made these a while ago but could never find hosting till yesterday. I know they are far from perfect and the quality sucks but hey for a 2 dollar setup it rules :headbang: I think Serenity was one of the hardest songs Ive recorded. You dont know how technical it is until you actually learn it. Any comments acceptable even if you wanna bash them :cool:

Hmm.. seems you need ME to aid in your cover. (Drums)
Good cover, I just hate to listen to a damned machine.
Thanks for the comments I appreciate the input. Im glad you like SPD because that was such a bitch to record. At times I almost felt like giving up. That recording took like 13 hrs + Me and my friend already know all Drapery Falls dont know why we havent recorded. We just get excited about covering songs and pick like 5 diff songs at once. Right now we are doing In Flames-Dead Eternity and working on a Megaman Medley. Ill be sure to post any more covers if I end up recording some (which I probably will)
iseesmurfs420 said:
Whats up. Made these a while ago but could never find hosting till yesterday. I know they are far from perfect and the quality sucks but hey for a 2 dollar setup it rules :headbang: I think Serenity was one of the hardest songs Ive recorded. You dont know how technical it is until you actually learn it. Any comments acceptable even if you wanna bash them :cool:

Well done man, great job especially on SPD.