MY covers


Sep 30, 2002
Heh i have one update at (I made a cover of Children Of Bodom's Bed Of Razors)
Solo is horrible, i learn it about 3 months and can't play it good :(
I've got some problems with setting up the fingers on the fretboard.
Oh and my string are a bit old (more then year?) so my guitar sound horrible in higher positions (you can hear it for yourself)

Aneyone have a clue how to play that solo good? How to set up the fingers on the fretboard, and also how to play clean on 22, 23, 24 frets. I think my fingers are to big but if adult guitarists use these frets so i am probably mistaken. :waah:
The start of the solo is played wrong but apart from that great job! For your question about the high notes, it helps to have nice pickups. What ones are you currently using? Also are you using your pinky finger. I have seen a lot of people try to play solo's and such just using three fingers and it just doesnt work.
Bodomic - tam nizej masz po polsku troche lepiej wytlumaczone

I use shitty default pickups in shitty default guitar ;] It's a polish company and the guitar is real shit!
I use my pinky finger

About recording (i wrote it some threads ago but here i go again :) ):

1) First of all i take a good "guitar-pro3" song.
If it starts suddenly (all instruments enter together) i paste on the
start of the tab a free field and write 4 notes of the drums (hi-hat - number 46). That will help enter good in the song.
Next I turn all guitars volume to 0, and set volumes of the other
instruments so they sound good.
The I export tab (File/export/to midi) to midi.

2) Then i use program called "Wingroov" (i upgrades sound of the midis)
I open a midi file and play it (to check if some instruments don't
sound bad, and if the volume of all instruments is good)
The I export it to wave (File/Create wav file)

3) Then I use "Cool Edit Pro 2"
I open in multitrack view, wave i made (insert/wave from file)
It's opened then in the first track.
Then I start recording of the guitar (you should check a little
red square button with "R" sign to make the program record on
certain track) after i record first part of guitar i unckeck the "R"
button, and check it on other track and record second guitar.
After record i turn volume off all track and pan so that they sound
good. Then select all tracks (ctrl+A) press right mouse button and
select "mix down to a file". After wave is done you can enchance
it with some effects (echo, reverb, use graphic equalizer)

Something like that. Probably I wrote it completly ununderstandable( :P ) so i wait for certain questions. :)
To all: This is the post that is higher, only it's in polish for Bodomic

BodomiC said:
Damn good :rock:

btw wookiss, jak ty to nagrywasz, dwie sciezki po kolei razem z granym gtp? A potem midika na wava zamieniasz i dajesz do coola edita?

Tam wyzej jest reply po angielsku, ale jest tak zamotany, ze nie ma co ;]. Ok. Najpierw w guitar-pro3 bierzesz jakis dobry tab. Jezeli zaczyna sie tak, ze wszystkie instrumenty zaczynaja od razu razem grac, to wstawiasz pusty takt przed calym tabem i na tabulaturze perkusji wpisujesz 4 nuty, ktore pomoga ci zalapac rytm.
Nastepnie zmniejszasz glos wszystkich gitar do zera, a reszte instrumentow ustawiasz tak, zeby dobrze ze soba brzmialy. Potem eksportujesz ten tabik do midika (file/export to midi) Nastepnie uzywajac programiku "Wingroov" eksportujesz tego midika do wave (file/create wave file). Potem otwierasz tego wave'a w Cool Edit Pro 2 (w widoku multitrack - insert/ wave from file) Wrzuci ci wave na jedna sciezke.
Aby nagrac gitare klikasz taki przycisk (znajduje sie przy kazdej sciezce) - kwadratowy czerwony z napisem "R", wtedy kiedy dasz nagrywanie on bedzie ci nagrywal na tej sciezce. Potem po nagraniu jednej gitary odznaczasz "R" i zaznaczasz na nastepnej sciezce i nagrywasz druga gitare. Pamietaj o zaznaczaniu i ODZNACZANIU "R", bo pozniej mozesz przez przypadek nagrac sobie cos na wczesniej nagrana dobrze partie.
Yeah I understood it. I just don't want to have to write the drums then the guitar, since I won't know if it sounds good until the guitar tracks are laid down. If it doesn't sound like I want it to, then my efforts are completely wasted. I'm downloading Sonar 2.0 right now. Maybe it will be what I am looking for.........

NP: Children of Bodom - Hatebreeder
It's so cool... I listened all mp3s...
I like it! My dude's band made Bed Of Razors, Bodom After Midnight covers... But it takes the shine out of my dude's!!!
Congratulation;) Keep it up!
Wookis! Do you "prepare" the Downfall?
It wanna be cool!

Dark I.:
It's coooool!!! :notworthy
Wow, thanks for these cool reviews!!! Make's me belive in me ;] :P

Yeah as i said - sound of my guitar is really shitty (and those strings, can you belive that i don't have no money for the strings for about a year or more? How am i gonna buy HCDR when it will be released in europe? ;) )

Yeah Dwonfall rooocks. Maybe i'll record it sometime, but it is much more difficult than Bed Of Razors (yeah the bed of razors is the easiest Children Of Bodom guitar song, that's why i record it - and personally i think that i screwed it up, i can't play it better)

I'll try to record more Children Of Bodom songs, but these solos are killing me. I'm gonna break my fingers!!! ;] :) :heh:
Dark Insanity said:
Dude!!! you're good :D I wish I could play :(

Here's my dream guitar tho..

now all I have to do is learn how to play..
Wookiss.. any tips?

Practice, practice, practice !!! To tell the truth i don't practice regullary,
sometimes i can play guitar whole day, sometimes i don't play guitar for month.
And one more thing. I wouldn't play how i play, if i hadn't listen to Children Of Bodom. When i first heard Children Of Bodom (Warheart) i said: "Fuck me, these guys are about 19 years old, and play like this!!"
When i tried to play they songs on guitar (yeah yeah warheart) i couldn't believe that they play it. I thought that probably it was tricky recorded in studio. But when i heard Tokyo Warhearts i couldn't believe it! They played all song faster!
From that moment i said that i must play like them. For about a year i was in total amok, and played only their songs. Because of Children Of Bodom i learnt to play legato, sweeps, arpegios, use alternate picinkg. I can't play it good but i learnt what are these techniques.
And I must admit - Children Of Bodom made me a better guitarist.

Children Of Bodom - you guys rooock like hell!!! :rock: :flame:
Wookiss said:
Practice, practice, practice !!! To tell the truth i don't practice regullary,
sometimes i can play guitar whole day, sometimes i don't play guitar for month.
And one more thing. I wouldn't play how i play, if i hadn't listen to Children Of Bodom. When i first heard Children Of Bodom (Warheart) i said: "Fuck me, these guys are about 19 years old, and play like this!!"
When i tried to play they songs on guitar (yeah yeah warheart) i couldn't believe that they play it. I thought that probably it was tricky recorded in studio. But when i heard Tokyo Warhearts i couldn't believe it! They played all song faster!
From that moment i said that i must play like them. For about a year i was in total amok, and played only their songs. Because of Children Of Bodom i learnt to play legato, sweeps, arpegios, use alternate picinkg. I can't play it good but i learnt what are these techniques.
And I must admit - Children Of Bodom made me a better guitarist.

Children Of Bodom - you guys rooock like hell!!! :rock: :flame:

Well, Bodom were the ones that inspired me to start writing lyrics, and now they've inspired me to pick up my guitar again and have another go at learning properly.

But omg.. that BC guitar is going to be mine this year. Fuck yes.

hey dude, just listened to Aces High and Bed of Razors.
Not bad at all :)
Just one thing: your playing seems too "mechanical" ya know? The notes have to have a bit more flow.. you can notice that especially on the Aces High one.

And keep on practising. You've got the talent dude ;)

@d-i: hmm... a girl with a badass guitar.... sassy :D