My Demo - Heart Of A Warrior


Nov 20, 2004
Hi all

Would you mind taking a listen to one of my songs – Heart Of A Warrior – at my soundclick page at the link below

Your comments and views are most welcome on all areas (guitars, vocals, lyrics, melody / harmonies, dynamics etc)


All you need is someone to know that your heart is made out of stone
And the dream you’re wishing of is to reclaim mankind’s throne
Day after day, night after night fighting for the cause that will crush the machines
Day after day, night after night destiny so clear

Heart of a man, he’ll make the stand
The warrior, the one the brave

You’ve become a leader of men and you’ll stay through the war until the end
There’s no need now to pretend, you’re the warrior all want to be
Day after day, night after night winning the freedom that once was lost
Day after day, night after night destiny so clear

(©PFM 2/12/2004)
dude, your vocals still need to get angryer, the song is about a warrior right, so youv got to sound angry and manly, at the minute you sound emo
Cheers for the comments - unfortunately my voice won't get any better I'm afraid (it just isn't that good) - there are a couple of people locally who are interested in jamming / forming the band so hopefully with a great singer and band playing the songs, it should sound much more professional
innerdream said:
unfortunately my voice won't get any better I'm afraid (it just isn't that good)
You cán:
The "now to pretend" part sounds already a bit cooler than the rest, I'm sure you can do even better, just go for it.
Definitely the vocals need work. Other than that, everything is pretty good. The second solo/lead was very melodic and fitting. A little work and it would be a very cool song.
innerdream said:
Cheers for the comments - unfortunately my voice won't get any better I'm afraid (it just isn't that good) - there are a couple of people locally who are interested in jamming / forming the band so hopefully with a great singer and band playing the songs, it should sound much more professional

dude, your voice is ok, you have a pretty good voice, the only thing you really need to do is project your voice a bit more, if you learn to do that your voice will sound a million times better, also if you learn to distort your voice (I meen with your throught, not like an effect or anything(you could use an effect if you wanted)) it would start to sound uber cool, trust me though, theres nothing wrong with your voice it's better than mine when I started singing, it's probably better than alot of peoples voices
TheMonkeysAteMySoul said:
dude, your voice is ok, you have a pretty good voice, the only thing you really need to do is project your voice a bit more, if you learn to do that your voice will sound a million times better, also if you learn to distort your voice (I meen with your throught, not like an effect or anything(you could use an effect if you wanted)) it would start to sound uber cool, trust me though, theres nothing wrong with your voice it's better than mine when I started singing, it's probably better than alot of peoples voices

Cheers for the comments :rock: - I wouldn't mind doing a bit of backing singing in a group like Adrian Smith does for Iron Maiden :rock: