My Dinner with Anthrax...Married With Children

ThraxMan said:
I taped it, but I'm waiting for it to come out on DVD. Not sure which season its on though. Speaking of seasons, when is season 5 coming out?

It's on season six. Not sure when the season five DVD is coming out.
I missed that episode. I was driving from home to San Diego that night and never got to see that episode, so I'll have to wait until the DVD comes out.
I had id downloaded, but the quality wasn't that great so I deleted it after watching it. The boys were hilarious. I love it when they're at the fridge and they're all like "there's no food!" and Charlie says "they got a Chia Pet in there"
I had that episode on VHS as well, until one of my parents taped over it by accident 'bout 10 years ago! Pissed me off too 'cuz I also had a Muchmusic spotlight on Anthrax and Sepultura on there as well.
FX runs the repeats in order. They are on season ten now, it will be a few months until they get back around to the Anthrax episode.