my dog just died


Oct 17, 2007
title says it all it walked over to my stepdad and just collapsed took it to the vet an they said it was on its way out and it died a couple hours later. im fukin gutted, it was only 9 they have no clue what was wrong with her she was fine the day before, she was runnin arround and there was no sign of anything wrong shes still been active she didnt seem old at all. so fuck my life.
Dude, I'm so sorry man - I seem to remember you posting a pic in one of the "dogs" threads, but while I don't remember what she looked like, I know I remember thinking she was beautiful and healthy-looking!
thanks man, that was my other dog toki shes an alaskan malamute my dog that died was a blue heeler lab mix and was awesome.
May she rest in peace dude - i know its hard to loose something you care dearly about - At least she's not in any pain or anything now - and hey! you'll see her again... i know you will!
losing pets totally guts me too man... i cry like a baby over it. they are truly companions, friends and loved ones the same as any family member. my condolences.
That sucks dude. :erk:

My friends dog that had a brain tumor died like that.. she was a happy and active, then one day, she just collapsed and died.

Anyways, im sorry for your loss.
Sorry to hear it Garry. If there is any bright side to this, at least it wasn't a long drawn out process... My old dog had hip issues, to the point where she couldn't even get up to go outside. At least your dog (she) didn't go out like that.

Sorry dude! :(

I realize this probably doesn't make you feel better, but try to look on the bright side man and you'll get through thisl.
thanks man, that was my other dog toki shes an alaskan malamute my dog that died was a blue heeler lab mix and was awesome.

Ah, yeah, gotcha - at least you still have one left to help you through this, but I don't doubt you loved them both equally and gave/have given them great lives!
So sorry for your loss - I know the feeling well as we lost our 14 year old Peke earlier this year, I cried for days - I'd be fine one minute and the next I'd be sobbing. She was by my side through two bouts with cancer - we used to say she was my guardian angel. Be well my friend.
thanks everyone, we are gona get her cremated and take her ashes up to our cabin and bury her there.
im sorry man, i fucking balled like a baby for 2 days when my dog died and i was 15!

a similar situation happened to my dog. she was completely fine, all of the sudden one day she wouldnt lay down.. and she was coffing up blood. we took her to the vet, said her heart was growing so big it was putting alot of pressure on her lungs and artery's. fucking horrible to watch. my only regret is that i watched her get put down. fucked my world up.

may your dog rest in peace!