My drinking is seasonally appropriate.


poser, not guitarist
Aug 19, 2002
Philadelphia, PA

This is as Israeli beer- me and my friends CRACKED UP when we bought this one and realized it was from Israel.

I'm all about the Pumpkin beer- and I never tried that one!! I don't think we can get it here in Chicago. I've had the Buffalo Bill's, and there's Lakefront in Milwaukee that makes a good one, and Crooked River or something in Ohio I think- Wild Onion in Chicago used to make the best one I've had, but they're outta bidness. I need to go get more.
Tank is from Israel? Weird- it's readily available in vast quantities at the local discount grocery.

I bought some Maccabee recently and it was alright. Kinda lite for my tastes, but that's ok for the hott weather we've been having.

To have amazing beer you need to start with some of the world's most natural, purest and best tasting water.
Tank Beer is brewed with the pristine waters beneath Israel's ancient Judean Mountain aquifer. (see below)
Natural rainwater is filtered through deep layers of rock far from civilization and blessed by one of the
world's most ecologically pure environments.

Don't let them fool you, underground water (at least the tap water) tastes like shit.

This is a must:
Originally posted by chupe666
So if i move there, could I be considered a "Beer Expert" and be consulted by the news like Professor Chupe J. Hopsdrinker?

That being in the same category as Corona touting itself as the "World's #1 Mexican beer". Government-run monopoly had nothing to do with that, no sir.
Like beer. Actually, in the ones i've had, there's only so much of the pumpkin flavor that comes through- it's more with the nose of the beer that the spices show up. you know, cinnamon, cloves, etc. - but the ones i've had definitely have at least a bit of pumpkin pie-like aftertaste, and usually it's a lager/ale type beer so it's not real heavy.