My dual rectifier sounds like Sh!T, can't trace the problem


New Metal Member
May 27, 2006
guys , My Rectumfrier need to see a doctor I guess.

Can't get a tight distorted sound out of it anymore.

Gain setting at 12 o' clock, mid at 10, Volume at 10.
When I turn the bass higher then 8 or 9, it really starts to sound muddy and liveless.
No matter what cab I use, V30, or 75 standard.

Recently all Tubes in Pre and poweramp where replaced.
Could it be a faulty tube?

Had the same problem, but changed the tubes (as you allready did) to Rubys in power section and tung-sol in pre section. It was HELL of a difference! I recommend those tubes! but if its not the tubes thats the problem, I dont know..
guys , My Rectumfrier need to see a doctor I guess.

Can't get a tight distorted sound out of it anymore.

Gain setting at 12 o' clock, mid at 10, Volume at 10.
When I turn the bass higher then 8 or 9, it really starts to sound muddy and liveless.
No matter what cab I use, V30, or 75 standard.

Recently all Tubes in Pre and poweramp where replaced.
Could it be a faulty tube?


Ask in this forum many users speak english.... and many there build tube amps.

Ok try this first:
Turn the amp on and play through it in other words make sure it is not in standby. Look at the power tubes. Each of the power tubes should have a blue glow never mind the red they all have that make sure there is a blue glow.
Then get back to me.
If you once did get a great sound out of it, and now you can't, it means that the power amp tubes are nearing the end of their lifecycle. You should replace them all to get the tone back. Generally you need to replace the power amp tubes (the big ones) every 2 years, or ±1 year depending on how often you play with it at loud volumes. Preamp tubes (the small ones) don't need to be changed often, maybe once in 10 years or more :lol: Unless you want to change the tone a bit, that is.
Possible an obvious question, but no-one's asked...did you swap them for exactly the same brand/models?

Also, again potentially dumb suggestions but check you've not switched one of the channel cloning switches by accident and turned your red modern tone/whatever into an orange clean channel or something or altered the spongy/bold or rectifier setting.