My ears are still ringing...


I went to see The Cult with my son on Tuesday night. I hadn't seen these guys in years. Since they are perfroming their Love album from top to bottom along with 7 hits as an encore I thought what the hell?! Ian has gained some weight, but he still puts on a show and he is dead on. Billy Duffy fucking smokes and the addition of John Tempesta is just the shot in the arm that the rythm section needed. Joining them is Chris Wyse who is a fucking phenominal bassist. I'm spoiling my kid though, I took him to Warped Tour the weekend before and he had a hell of a time. Up next I'm taking him to see Motorhead in October and probably Kiss in Novemeber... If you get a chance to see The Cult do because they still got it. I left my ear plugs in the car and they didn't have any for sale inside. I can't tell you the last time I went toa gig without ear protection. Anyway my ears are ringing two days probably didn't help that we were 5 feet from the band!:lol::lol::lol:
thanks. that basically sealed the deal for me to go see them in november as long as my wife is home to watch the baby. what were the 7 hits they performed? i assume edie, fire woman, love removal machine, maybe 1 tune from the last album
thanks. that basically sealed the deal for me to go see them in november as long as my wife is home to watch the baby. what were the 7 hits they performed? i assume edie, fire woman, love removal machine, maybe 1 tune from the last album

Set List:

Big Neon Glitter
Brother Wolf, Sister Moon
The Phoenix
Hollow Man
She Sells Sanctuary
Black Angel


Electric Ocean...
Dirty Little Rock Star...
Fire Woman...
Wild Flower...
Love Removal Machine...
Set List:

Big Neon Glitter
Brother Wolf, Sister Moon
The Phoenix
Hollow Man
She Sells Sanctuary
Black Angel


Electric Ocean...
Dirty Little Rock Star...
Fire Woman...
Wild Flower...
Love Removal Machine...

thats awesome. going to try my hardest to see them
It's cool going to concerts with your kid...I love my son's face when I take him to events...the ones where you meet people are cool or back up a national.

I noticed no Edie in the set..I love that tune! EPIC!!! :kickass:
Rise was in the was great. Nothing off Ceremony made it though...There are a few decent tracks on that record.

agreed about ceremony. even 1 tune from the mid 90's self titled would be cool and its too bad RISE is the only tune from beyond good and evil that the band plays now
Hmm. I didn't even know they were touring and Love is my favorite album of theirs. I'll have to check this out for sure!

Edit: Pissed. Not even remotely close to me. Hope they do a second US leg...

they have a date here in richmond virginia in november. i thought that was the 2nd US leg