I went to see The Cult with my son on Tuesday night. I hadn't seen these guys in years. Since they are perfroming their Love album from top to bottom along with 7 hits as an encore I thought what the hell?! Ian has gained some weight, but he still puts on a show and he is dead on. Billy Duffy fucking smokes and the addition of John Tempesta is just the shot in the arm that the rythm section needed. Joining them is Chris Wyse who is a fucking phenominal bassist. I'm spoiling my kid though, I took him to Warped Tour the weekend before and he had a hell of a time. Up next I'm taking him to see Motorhead in October and probably Kiss in Novemeber... If you get a chance to see The Cult do because they still got it. I left my ear plugs in the car and they didn't have any for sale inside. I can't tell you the last time I went toa gig without ear protection. Anyway my ears are ringing two days later...it probably didn't help that we were 5 feet from the band!