My equipment sucks. Help?


Jan 8, 2011
okay so i have a Tascam US-144 MKII, an SM58, and an SM7b. i use a Dell from the 1800s. I use Mixcraft as my DAW, FL Studio 9 to arrange and sequence drums sampled from ezdrummer dfh. I use Amplitube 3 for amp modeling. lemme know if i may have left something out. anyway. i need to know what my next buy should be. its obviously just going to be a modest setup until i get my promotion. then im going all out. So short term suggestions and perhaps long term? Thanks.
yea. it wasnt like we went shopping and this is what we ended it with. my band just has these things.
i wanna keep everything virtual by the way. i cant seem to get good tones out of amplitube and ive tried impulses. they sound soooo harsh to my ear. maybe im just doing it wrong. im going for a woe is me, attack attack sound. new attack attack. the old shit didnt impress. i have tons of questions. id rather not flood the forum though.
do it use more cpu resources than mixcraft? i already have trouble with the comp. if i change volume on a track and go to listen it freezes in the program because it has to deal with all the fx so i have to spend three minutes mixing to down to wav every time i wanna hear a change i made. also im going to post a really bad mix up sometime soon and id like some criticism.
okay so away with amplitube. id like to keep using fl studio for sequencing because im very comfortable with it. would that be okay for using Lasse's samples?

Edit: You guys have been super helpful. im psyched to be a part of this forum.
Check out all the stickies at the top of the "Production Tips" forum and you'll probably find many of your answers.

Read them. Super informative. i never thought of blending drums. also i have izotope ozone 4. i was wondering if i could use that for getting a better tone out of my guitars post ampsim.
do it use more cpu resources than mixcraft? i already have trouble with the comp. if i change volume on a track and go to listen it freezes in the program because it has to deal with all the fx so i have to spend three minutes mixing to down to wav every time i wanna hear a change i made. also im going to post a really bad mix up sometime soon and id like some criticism.

That sounds like kind of a big problem. Maybe your next purchase should not be Reaper but a better computer. Maybe something you want to save up for considering computer based recording is centralized around a computer. I don't mean to point out the obvious but a lot of people get caught up in buying plugins or hardware and don't spend any money on their computer, which is really one of the most important investments, no good in having killer plugs if you have to render to WAV just to hear how they sound...

On another note LePou's plugins are really killer and free so go get 'em.
Fuck what everyone said here ....

man up and get a new PC then buy Reaper and a decent tube amp. All this virtual amp sim shit will not get you into learning anything. If you want to do this for real you need REAL world experience. Mic up a amp and a cab and learn what its all about.

New PC should be the #1 thing on your list if yours is that old.

+10000000000000 on the dump amplitube. It sucks
i agree with guru... you need a good/great machine and a more reliable daw. moving in and out of mixcraft and fl studio can a bit cumbersome.

in terms of equipment, if you want to stay itb i would recommend getting the eleven rack and a cab of your choice (one of my favorite purchases).

eleven has really great models and built in reamping so you can record a huge selection of great cabs. i do think it would be smart to learn more about miking real cabs and using real amps. so if you have the money and time to look for the most versatile set up, do so. amplitube isn't terrible but it is a bit behind the curve in amp simulation where as most other sims are a lot better in terms of quality.

focus on acquiring a better machine first... it will be all down hill from there.
Definitely get a decent PC first and foremost. If you really want to remain "virtual", you need a stable basis for ITB recording. If you don't focus on the basis of your "studio" first, all the other purchases will just be useless if you can't record with any stability.
I have to agree with the whole reaper thing. I've messed around in other DAWs and none of them work as efficiently to me. And I don't know how you can stand moving from one DAW to another. Plus right now its like 40 dollars and you get Reaper 4.XXX when it comes out also. And also, I would think you definitely could use a better machine. Or else any other good purchases aren't going to stand out as well because your main system doesn't have the power. I'd get a Quad-Core or Hex-Core, probably AMD if you're looking for low prices. Also, try to get absolutely no less than 4GB of DDR3 Ram. Sometimes it feels like that isn't enough to me haha. But memory is cheap, like 100 for 8 gigs. I'm saving up for 16 Gig. Futureproofing.

In terms of amps, my best luck in the virtual amp world is definitely amplitube metal, though it takes a while to get a good tone for me
May i first say how unbelievably helpful yall have been. This is an excellent community. im a windows guy. so ill prolly end up building my own box. i get by with what i have. im at work right now so when i get home would it be acceptable to post a mix up in this thread? i understand theres a section for that but id rather keep my questions within this one for the time being.

Edit: Im definitely ditching Amplitube for one simple reason. I pirated it. Just to see if id like it. thats what i do. did it with mixcraft and Fl studio but i bought those after. i used to be huge into pirating so my first thought wasnt "download the trial" it was "im havin that."
get reaper and learn to use the stuff, your equipment does not suck, there are other things in the chain apart from equipment that can affect the results, if you know what I'm talking about.
get reaper and learn to use the stuff, your equipment does not suck, there are other things in the chain apart from equipment that can affect the results, if you know what I'm talking about.

Absolutely. I realize im an important part. Im not asking for better sound quality really. Just reliability. I want to optimize time spent you know? i spend all my free time doing this anyway, so better stuff isnt going to make me spend less time on music, but help me get more done in the same amount of time. Per song, per hour you know?
Fuck what everyone said here ....

man up and get a new PC then buy Reaper and a decent tube amp. All this virtual amp sim shit will not get you into learning anything. If you want to do this for real you need REAL world experience. Mic up a amp and a cab and learn what its all about.

New PC should be the #1 thing on your list if yours is that old.

+10000000000000 on the dump amplitube. It sucks

This is going to come out sounding like im challenging you but im not. What bands of the scene metal persuasion use real amp micing? bands like attack attack, woe is me, misery signals, august burns red? im just looking for a band that i like with a great tone that comes from a real amp and i honestly dont know who does and doesnt do that. im a kid haha.