My father in law just died


May 9, 2006
My wife is crushed. The old man died sleeping. He was kinda down for the last days with a flu and now he passed away. He hated me but I kinda liked him. I am so down for my wife that I dont have anything to say :(
Greg, yeah, rough year. My house being robbed with lots of stuff, my lack of job payment, my father in law...Zoe's surgery. We deserve winning the lotto or something next year. I will have now a heck of a job by calling everyone involved on the show we'd do tomorrow with my old band and cancel it. My wife doesn't want to sing anymore, which is understandable because she's crushed, but a lot of people was going to see just us, and the rest of the band cancelled a lot personal stuff to be playing with us. Whatever.

Anyway, thanks for the support guys.
My condolences to your wife and her family - just be there for her, it will mean a lot in the end.
Well, spent the whole morning there on the....that period when the body remains exposed before it is burried? You got it. It was very sad..all the family crying a lot, it was very sad. It seems it was a brain stroke or something while he was sleeping. He looks happy and relaxed, like if the death came for the best. Sad.
My condolences :( We went through a health scare with my father in law last year, and that was tough enough. I can only imagine what you and your wife are going though right now. Be there for her, no matter what she needs, that's pretty much all you can do in a case like this.

Best to the both of you.