my Final exam for my Radio class is coming up in a month or two....

Wicked Child

Mar 4, 2003
Vista, CA
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....and I need your help. Y'see, the final is this: Do a one hour live show, doing what you want. I want to play music. But i'm having a hard time deciding what songs to play. I want it to be a real asskicker of a show, but it has to be a setlist that fits one hour. HELP!!!
Hmmm Heres a couple not a whole set but I'm sure our UM brothers and sisters will fill in the spaces :p anyways heres some I would crap if I heard them on the radio

Edguy - King of Fools!!!!!
Helloween - Mr.Torture
Kreator - Replicas of Life
Control Denied - Expect the Unexpected

there is actually many many more but I will stop with those prime picks :D :headbang:
you want to do an interview with a young upcoming band(well not young exactly!!),i'm yer man!
songs to play though,gotta be jesus christ pose by soundgarden.that song rules
also something off of dirt by alice in chains,maybe rooster.they are very radio friendly.
then boot in self bias resistor by fear factory!!
you aint seen nothin yet,lets rock!!
I would go with melodic metal or something commercial, let's be honest, stuff that would fit a format. I would go with classic rock, Deep Purple-Hush, ZZ Top-Waitin' For the Bus/Jesus..., stuff like that. I figured they'd discourage people from doing the music format, being that live radio is almost a thing of the past with satellite feeds & stuff like that?
play some melodies, they are easier on the ears of regular folk.
I would play magic from puppetmaster because it has the framework of a catchy cd single.
what about some shaman, everubody loves shaman
I would say make a show that shows how popular radio rock has changed, yet appears to be going full circle over the last twenty five years. In the late 70's -early 80s hard rock was fairly big on the radio. Boston, Foreigner (sp?) etc. were big bands. The mid-80's ushered in an era of radio metal. Ratt, Quiet Riot, Twisted Sister, Bon Jovi, Poison were big. After that, the late 80's-early 90's saw the emergence of Queesryche, Alice in Chains and Metallica. The grunge scene appeared right after that. Pearl Jam and Nirvana were the monsters of that era along with Soundgarden. After grunge, the alterna punk hit big. Green Day was one of those bands that formed that sound. Rap rock, then hit the airwaves (again) with Kid-rock etc. Now it seems like a the hard rock is creeping back in with the poularity of Evanescence, Fuel and Nickelback.

sixxswine said:
Evanescence, Fuel and Nickelback?!
Man, I rather see Lacuna Coil get some air play, I think they are big in Canada & other countries, they are close to being discovered by the masses in the USA.

The whole Evanescence thing cracks me up. They are just ripping off Nightwish, Lacuna Coil, After Forever and Within Temptation.
sixxswine said:
Evanescence, Fuel and Nickelback?!
Man, I rather see Lacuna Coil get some air play, I think they are big in Canada & other countries, they are close to being discovered by the masses in the USA.
Didn't you read the original post Sixx ? This is for a final grade. How many times have you heard Lacuna Coil on the radio ? I am trying to give him good ideas to get a good grade, not ideas for an internet radio broadcast.:err:

hmmm. Good ideas so far! I'm toying with all of them right now. I was thinking starting accessible, then getting deeper into the more obscure. That was my original plan. And doing this as a "sample show" to showcase every style i'll be playing, which is basically any rock with loud guitars. Classic/hard rock, punk rock and of course a bigger focus on metal. Because metal is my #1. But keep the ideas coming! thanks!