My final mix and mastered - thanks to UM folks for all the help!

Nov 6, 2002
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Would just like to thank everyone here for all the help and advice on getting my tone and mix improved! Before I came here (just a year ago) I knew nothing about impulses or amp sims, but I ended up using Revalver MkIII for our 3-track demo and learnt loads from reading this forum :)

The 3-track demo is about to be released, here are the mastered tracks in high-q mp3 (website isn't finished yet as you see):

I know.. the sound isn't perfect. But finished is better than perfect and I'm going to try and improve it for the full album which is currently being written. Any tips for the future appreciated (try not to be too hard on the 3 track demo tho, I can't go back and change it now!!) :)
Nice work for a demo!
I think with a good production would be a nice product. Vocals are great. Nice chorus in Neitherworld.
Keyboards are too high in some parts, I miss more low frequencies to give it more consistency. And please, don't use Revalver for the record!
It´s not bad but the guitars sounds too thin, lacks low end and mids. The guitar is in standard tuning isnt it? In E it´s more hard to get a good sound too.
Thanks for listeing guys..

Yeah, I agree with your comment about the guitar "too thin, lacks low end and mids" - I did what I could with Ravalver and using impulses, and this is pretty much as good as I was able to get. And yup, I'm in E. Some of the guys on here get amazing results using lower tuning - maybe I should try that :)

Mic'ing an amp isn't really an option for me at the moment so I'm not sure what I'm going to do to get a good guitar sound for the album. Maybe I'll try Pod farm or some other sims and see what I can come up with.. any advice appreciated!
Well this is not huge or magnificent but it´s good apart from some problems. Try some low tuning, Try in D, more low than that it may not fit well your style of music but it´s a matter of trying.

Try another ampsims like Nick Crow 8505 and SoloC, use the SoloC as a boost for 8505 and with some good impulses you will get a good sound.
Read all that you find here about impulses, Eq, multiband compression because that kind of things can push your sound to other level.

It´s all a matter of motivation and patience to achieve the objectives.

Here a test that I made moths ago, it´s not great but it´s not bad either.
It´s in E tuning.

Do a lot of experiencies;)