My final tad Morose post....... (until next release at least)


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
Visit site
I am sure many here are even tired of looking at that name, but this is the best band in my ears I have discovered in the last five years or so. Though I'm picky as hell, I find new (to me) bands I dig quite often, but it's rare for a band to just rip my head off like they did and it seems that myself and Fang have added a few from here to the Tad Morose Army, so while I can't promise they won't get mentioned in any reply that is related, this will be my last official post for the band here........... until maybe their next release. >:p~
One last call for those that haven't given this band a try. I can't guarantee anyone will like this as that one of the beauties of music to include metal music is that we all have our own unique tastes, but I honestly can't think of one band and release (Modus Vivendi) I could recommend more than this. This band just has it all. It's technically profecient, but not over-the-top. The twin guitar attack is powerful, the drummer and bassist show off their skills as well, as opposed to sitting in the background without cluttering up the sound. The vocalist is about as powerful and talented as one will find and the backing vocals are great. The songs are also catchy and make me sing along "air-drum" and "air-guitar." If this band sounded any better I wouldn't be able to handle listening to them.

This is a bit of a repeat I made in another thread, but I don't think it was a Tad Morose thread, so I will repeat it though certainly not verbatim.

sixxswine said:
I'm not tired of hearing about the bons on this forum. Being that I recentlt picked up their last disc, as a result of your posts & also Fang's.
Great band, I have to hear more & will soon.

Ha ha ha well I can agree with that. I think the "newer" bands have really brought life to the oldschool forum. I just think I have ran TM into the ground. Then again, I post on the TM message board and on occasion to the Prog Power message board and my pitiful mind doesn't work well enough to remember which posts I made where... :ill:

I'm in agreement, Tad Morose has it all. Everything is played expertly, the music is melodic, eerie and vicious and each of the member's talent is in perfect balance. :}

Yeah, Tad Morose took me completely by surprise and severely over loaded my cool sensors... I've been walking about in a bit of a daze since I first heard them, lol.

But in any case, you might want to listen to us picky people in this case and check out Modus Vivendi, it should be a classic one day! :}

And Bryant, post about TM all you want, talk my ears off, lol. I can take it! ;}
Besides, I never lose an opportunity to talk about Tad Morose until I'm blue in the face. :cD

Bryant said:
I am sure many here are even tired of looking at that name, but this is the best band in my ears I have discovered in the last five years or so. Though I'm picky as hell, I find new (to me) bands I dig quite often, but it's rare for a band to just rip my head off like they did and it seems that myself and Fang have added a few from here to the Tad Morose Army, so while I can't promise they won't get mentioned in any reply that is related, this will be my last official post for the band here........... until maybe their next release. >:p~
One last call for those that haven't given this band a try. I can't guarantee anyone will like this as that one of the beauties of music to include metal music is that we all have our own unique tastes, but I honestly can't think of one band and release (Modus Vivendi) I could recommend more than this. This band just has it all. It's technically profecient, but not over-the-top. The twin guitar attack is powerful, the drummer and bassist show off their skills as well, as opposed to sitting in the background without cluttering up the sound. The vocalist is about as powerful and talented as one will find and the backing vocals are great. The songs are also catchy and make me sing along "air-drum" and "air-guitar." If this band sounded any better I wouldn't be able to handle listening to them.

This is a bit of a repeat I made in another thread, but I don't think it was a Tad Morose thread, so I will repeat it though certainly not verbatim.
