My first 5150ii clip! Need opinions

Tommy Evans

Jul 19, 2011
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Just picked this up yesterday and had a chance to mess around with it tonight. One 57 on the grill where the cap meets the cone.
Im looking for opinions/thoughts/advice. maybe something you would have done differently? The tune is something i threw together for purposes of the clip

The updated version. Pulled the mic back a bit, and added some gain to see how it would sound. Better or worse?
Maybe back the mic off a tiny bit more. Could use a little more depth to the tone. I do mean just a little. Other than that it sounds good dude. Personally I would have a little more gain but that's not to say you are lacking it here. Sweet shit.
newbie here but that sounds excellent to my ears. what kind of bass tone is under that? doesn't sound like much dirt there really.
Sweet thanks guys! I will try backing the mic off a tad. I'm thinkin an inch at the VERY most. And yes this is Zombass, it's the David Zoll (waddup MEGA DAVE?!) tone and the only Processing is an EQ cut around 200hz and a boost around 80hz.

Glad to hear I did an alright job with this test. Thanks again dudes! Anymore comments/advice keep em comin.
i think you should cut some frequencys of the bass clank out because it sounds almost like its part of the guitar track and makes it sound weird. and try to find that balance where the clank is there but recognizable in the form of bass sex :p but thats all opinion

guitar tone sound good to me tho!
Bass sex? Haha I like the way that sounds!

And yes I use Zombass through the free Kontakt 5 player. Only thing is K5 puts a 15 minute limit on itself when using third party instruments like Zombass. So you have to render more times than youd probably like, but I don't mind at all really.
Really nice for a first mic up. Needs to be greasier though, chugs are too linear still. Get that volume up there and the chugs will pound face.

Did you say these were public DI's?