My first ever attempt at recording/mixing


Dec 3, 2002
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Honestly I just have no idea where to begin with much of anything :D I finally have managed to amass a considerable amount of recording software/hardware and tried to put it all together. I have a podxt with all the expansion packs (well, not the bass one...), and I used a direct box and a bunch of compression plugins and some slight software overdrive on the bass, and the drums are dfh1 through battery. I recorded/mixed it in Sonar.

Ignore the numerous playing mistakes, I haven't played guitar/bass with any dedication in a couple years and am very sloppy (all attempts at vibrato failed miserably so I just recorded it without, I know it sounds nasty on the long notes, haha). AND of course the song wasn't even intended to be a song initially, it was just an attempt to get HEAVY GUITAR SOUND but then I sort of liked how it sounded and tacked on an intro and some more guitar (but not an ending). AND i just noticed that after the lead guitar at the beginning I forgot to cut off the volume at the end of the phrase so there's some pickup/string noise at about 43 seconds, which will definitely be fixed in the next version. :p

I know it sounds quite fizzy, and I know that a lot of it gets muddied together severely...but as I said, this is my first try and I'm looking for any guidance/pointers you can offer. I basically just flailed around with various waves plugins (like the C4 and a bunch of EQs) tweaking them around to make it sound slightly better but not really knowing what to aim for. About the only guided things I did with the EQ were attempt to put low pass/high pass on the rhythm guitars/bass so they overlapped less, and then I put a notch in the bass at about 60 hz to let the bass drum thump a tiny bit more. Then I stuck an ultramaximizer and a compressor on the main mix to get it slightly more alive sounding, I guess.

Anyway sorry for the really long post I just wanted to let you know what I've tried to do so you can better criticize me :)
The leads seem way to loud. Turn them down and turn up the snare and maybe kick
My computer speakers aren't working right now so I'll listen later but, are you the same Wankerness from Powertabs? The "Opeth" wankerness if you will...?
Sinister Mephisto said:
My computer speakers aren't working right now so I'll listen later but, are you the same Wankerness from Powertabs? The "Opeth" wankerness if you will...?

Haha, yeah, this recognition is one benefit to having a moronic but recognizable internet alias. :p