My First Heavy Metal Experience!

Stan Jenkins

New Metal Member
Nov 12, 2013
Hello. My name is Stan. I grew up in Pennsylvania as an Amish. I know it sounds crazy to some of you, but this is true. In my village, we had guitars, banjos, drums and various instruments but it was always acoustic. We usually wrote our own songs and usually they were of a praying or religious nature. I was exposed to very little electric or outside music. I was given the opportunity the last few months to come to LA and view the outside world. I have a relative that lives here, as he left the Amish lifestyle many years ago. I needed to see what else was out there so I made a commitment to give myself 1 year here and see if I want to go back. My elders allowed me because they saw how discontent I was at home.

Well, my cousin took me to Paladino's last Saturday. He said he wanted to "blow my mind". I showed up and there was no band on. I was delighted to see pool tables, as I am an expert pool player in my village. Then my cousin bought me a beer. I have drank some cans of beer before, but I never had one that came from a fresh spout. It was incredible! Then an opening band came on and it was the most incredible thing I've ever witnessed! I could not believe the power coming off the stage. My cousin has long hair and he was banging his head in which I did also. The first image I ad in my mind were enormous black horses running so fast in rhythm.

But it wasn't until the last band, The Iron Maidens came on, that I really felt I went to heaven! I have heard of heavy metal, but I always heard it was evil bad music that people listened to and then vandalized or did other bad things. I never once thought girls played it. I also didn't know it was not evil. But then, these beautiful girls come on stage and play the most incredible sounds I have ever heard in my life! Every song, every note, every guitar solo, every drum beat, every bass thump and every note sung was so amazing, I felt I may fly away like a bird! I thought, if I can just see this concert everyday, then my life would be very grand! I wish I had the courage to go up and say thank you for the best night of my life, but I didn't know how to say this.

I didn't know, but my cousin told me there is a band called Iron Maiden which is the original band. He then let me listen to his CDs when we got home. I listened to about 5 Iron Maiden albums all night without stopping. I think it is my favorite band now. He then played me a band called Death Angel which I thought was also great. I want to know when I can see this band again. I hope one day my village will be open minded and you can come play at our Amish village and show them that you are not evil, but provide quality clean fun. Or maybe I will never go back and just start a heavy metal band in LA with my cousin.

Thank you Iron Maidens!
Welcome to the real world, I'm so glad you could make it. IMHO, music is mostly what you make of it, I find Metal music, Iron Maiden and THE Iron MaidenS to be immensely inspiring, often giving me hope, energy, strength, peace or contentment. I am not conflicted by fairy tales of demons or devils and do not find such things in music.

Obviously, some themes can be dark or tragic but I realize they are just others' expressions of a thought, a counter-point, a dream or a story of people, places or events. I listen to some very dark stuff too, but it is simply a counter-point, a change-of-pace ... nothing I take to heart. It does not possess me ... I am my own, self-aware, mature, responsible self and do not fall prey to such enticements. I believe those who hear subliminal messages, or back-masking, are victims of their own inadequacies, certainly nothing based in reality. Similarly, all things in excess have pitfalls, and most things in moderation are wondrous experiences to be experienced, sometimes savored. Even the pitfalls provide valuable lessons to be learned.
Wow Stan! Awesome! What if you could combine the music you played in your Amish village with heavy metal? Like how Dropkick Murphy's combined Celtic with Punk or Tempest combined Celtic with rock. You can make Amish metal. What do you think of that?
AWESOME!!! im from Delaware county in Pa. Used to go to Lancaster all the time for shoo fly pie <3.. Welcome!!!!:kickass::rock:
Oh wow! I am from near Strasburg. That is very cool. Which one are you in the band, CC, or are you a fan?

My cousin is a contractor here and I am really busy doing construction work for him. But he took me to this huge music store and bought me an electric guitar and an amp as a bonus for doing such great work. I can already play the banjo and acoustic guitar. As soon as I got home I plugged it in and started playing along to Iron Maiden, Powerslave, Number of the Beast, and Piece of Mind. This is one of the greatest feelings I ever have experienced. Then my cousin showed me a movie called Flight 666 and I started to cry.

I went into Paladinos and asked them when the Iron Maidens will be playing and they didn't know. Does anybody know when I can see them again?
Hi Stan!! Welcome to our little world!! I lOVE your post!! We will be back at Paladino's in December for our annual Holiday Party on the 21st. If you want to keep up on where we will be next you have several options :-)
you can follow us on Facebook , you can check our website at for updates and show listings, OR you can sign up on our emailing list at on the homepage and get notices delivered right to your inbox! Cheers and welcome to the world of fellow Iron Maiden fans!!
Oh ok. Thank you very much ma'am. Now I see there is a page where all of the concerts will be. What is this thing called the Faithbook? Is this some kind of new religious website? I will have to take a look. If you do hand written updates like Johann von Marck gets then that would be ok too. But I think it is easy enough to see on the website, so why the need for hand written updates with an old pen? I need to tell my cousin now about December 21 and make certain that I will go.
Mr. Jenkins, the need for hand written and mailed notices are very essential, for a number of reasons. 1. Old pens rock, especially fountain pens. When you write with them, it looks super cool and projects an aura of sophistication that cannot be had with just a ball point pen, a pencil, or chisel and stone tablet. It transports you back to a day where people dressed in nice clothes, a dime would buy you a soda, people were more polite, an entire world was at war, and chicks dig them. 2. Hand written updates really show you care about your fans, kinda like when you get a letter from your girl with a little perfume sprayed on it as you sit in your tank in the middle of nowhere with a broken drive sprocket in a torrential downpour at three in the morning. Make no mistake about it Herr Jenkins, writing all those notifications by hand is a daunting and laborous task, but its just all part of the metal lifestyle. So make sure you get that old pen, drop D tune that banjo and start rock'n with Dokken, and never forget that Ron Keel insured that we all have a right to rock!
Hi Stan, I'm so happy and honored that we were able to help turn you on to the amazing music of Iron Maiden! I hope your rumspringa experience continues to be a positive one. Thanks for sharing your experience with us, keep rocking, and definitely come up and say "hi" at the next Maidens show! :rock: