My first impulse


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2008
33 Framus 2x12 v30 sm57 .wav
Re-Deconvolved, Courtesy of Ryan (cheers buddy I'll get it right next time :) aha)

First go at doing this sorta shit
57 where the dustcap meets the cone, a bit more on the cap. About 1.5-2 inches away?
Framus 2x12 with v30's. Impulse Test.mp3
New quick test. Wagner sharp 0.6 and marcus' behemoth DI's (again if you want me to use something else, just let me know dude!

hope this impulse is of use to you guys too! new ones coming soon most likely :)
Some pretty epic static-y fizz going on in the clip there dude, but I'll give it a go all the same, thanks! :)
No processing at all and I basically didn't dial in 7170 at all haha
id make a better clip but nuendo just crashed on me and wont re-open and i cba to restart just yet :)
i had a fucking EPIC tone just going on right now. 30 secs dialling in and its the shit i swear
aparrently i was doing this shit wrong and ryan is correcting the error of my ways for me
love that boy <3 ;]