My First Interview!

Dun dun dundundundudndun.

posts on board just because i havent in a while, and rhonda said im her main sis from the boards and i DONT WANT TO MAKE A LIAR OUT OF HER!!!! *runs off*

:lol::lol::lol: <3 <3 <3 You sister, for crying in the night I need to go Down Under and visit!!! :waah:
And you are girl, you're just the only one I don't get to meet in Germany :waah: (again)
i know!!!! means u have to make a trip downunder one day, or fuck it we'll just meet in the middle somewhere like hawaii lol..

I will soon I promise! :grin:
I'll be there before you know it, of course...I have to come back at some point :loco: To get my stuff and come right back, hahaha! Maybe, depends if my bitchy ass can handle your heat!