My First Label Project...

yeh man, drums are a bit too loud (and i like my drums loud:devil:)

but i think its sounding pretty great, some info on the production?

well done man, overall its sounding sick just lower the drums slightly
your a lucky lad, I went out of my way to put that on my mp3 player.... lol. but yeah sounds great. drums.... ehh im gona be a follower and say yea they are kinda too loud. make your drum noises vary you know? but nice sound. :)
yeah, i just finished the song. sounds REALLY good. I love it. lol. youve got kind of a darker version of a threat signal mixed with beyond the embrace scream and then your upper vocals are great, could calm down a wee bit.... but GREAT gutturals as well. Guitar sounds good too, good QUALITY, great song. :D
Thanks for listening...

I'm Just brought the drums down 2db but it might have thrown some other things out of wack volume wise. I guess you guys can be the judge but I'm uploading new mix now.
looking forward to it,

care to share some info on guitar recording and processing?

Guitars were a Shecter Hellraiser 7 string tuned to A

Pod xt pro (I believe i used the mesa) I will look in a bit though.

and post processing was really simple...

I used c4 (sneap setting fine tuned a but for lows)

then q4 eq with low pass at 12k and high pass at 70hz and a small cut at 400hz on one guitar and 800hz on the other.

Thats it really, I just focused on getting a good tone on the way in. Ive also been kinda mixing as I go along so i can find what works and what does not tone wise.
yeh man this is definitely sounding better, but in my personal preference, i do quite like the kick as loud as it i, but thats just me

you use the built in cab sims or impulses? sounding good man
muuuucchh improved over your old stuff imo dude:)
Are you automating the rythm guitars to drop in volume during the lead parts? It doesnt quite sound like it to me.
I like to drop the rythm guitars about -1.5 to -2 db during solos(not sure if that's a standard thing to do though)
Actually i did believe it or not..

Your not alone as i like to drop them as well during leads and overlays and what not. I think most people do as well. I'm sure the smashing with the limiter is not helping that though, as i did only drop 1db from them. Do you think i should drop a bit more of them during the leads?

I do have a few volume adjustments I'm going back to make anyway.
Drums have a bit of mechanical machine gun vibe to them, which isn't necessarily bad, but if I were to say anything bad about it, that would be it.

Pretty nice mix overall, everything sounds pretty well balanced. :)