My first metalcore tune


Dec 4, 2008
Kicevo,Republic of Macedonia
Don't pay attention to the mix since the song is roughly mixed.I'm more interested what you think as composition.I'm still working on the ending of the song.Maybe I'll add some synths and lead guitar fills.Cheers!

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intro riff is basically unholy confessions =P i think you need to work on the drums, they are quite one dimensional and boring but the clean parts sound good and so does the riff after the clean part. Also think the the outro needs some working on
Tnx dude!Never heard of that band.I'll work on the whole song, this was a quick programmed drums just to save my idea.I'll work on the outro too, I plan to add synths and lead guitar fills on the outro.I'm having a problem with the time signature on some parts of the song.The guitars are larger than 4/4 and if I make them to fit the 4/4 then it's changing the whole structure of the song. :( Can someone help me?
Well unholy confessions is not a band but a song by Avenged Sevenfold, just to precise.