My first mix with s2.0

The guitars lock really well in the whole mix, hell the whole mix is rather nice man :) I'm guessing 5150 or similar with impulses of some sort?
cool song bro!

i'd say vocals down (quite a lot) and kick up (slightly), that's all i can say on these speakers here :) gtrs do sound great btw!
Well guitar was TSS>7170>Eq>Lecab(spreshigh)>more eq>C4 panned hard left and right.

The other two were the same basic setup but with solo c and different impulses/eqing. Panned 80 I believe.

The bass tone is pure shit, it was tracked with an 8 string with stock single coils so the DI is terrible.

Also the s2.0 preset is Lekteri's posted in the preset thread with slight modifications, the link is somewhere near the end of the thread.

Thanks dudes!
Well guitar was TSS>7170>Eq>Lecab(spreshigh)>more eq>C4 panned hard left and right.

The other two were the same basic setup but with solo c and different impulses/eqing. Panned 80 I believe.

The bass tone is pure shit, it was tracked with an 8 string with stock single coils so the DI is terrible.

Also the s2.0 preset is Lekteri's posted in the preset thread with slight modifications, the link is somewhere near the end of the thread.

Thanks dudes!


Any chance you could post pics of settings? Im just curious to see how you got such a realistic sound out of it. Im assuming C4 was sneap preset? Also what kind of mic was the vocals done through?
Honestly the post eq is really what makes the guitar sound good in this case. The guitar was a 7 string Schecter blackjack with blackouts. The C4 and high/low pass was on a guitar bus.

The vocal mic was a beta 58 we recorded in a non treated room, with the mic cupped in hand:ill:

I'm surprised they turned out as well as they did, although once again there was extensive post processing.

EDIT: forgot the picture link