My First paid Job! Tech Death/GoofyDeath song "OMFG"


Aug 26, 2004
Rochester, NY
Did my first paid recording job last week, recording my friend's bands Demo

The band was a ton of fun to record, they are all crazy good and funny guys.
Just starting the bare bones mixing process. Haven't got to any automation yet. This is what I've got going so far. 1.mp3

In case you guys wanted to know the lyrics :lol: :

I am so fucking crazy
I punch bears in the face
I am the craziest one in all the human race

I like to swim in lava, kill lions with my bear hands
I am so fucking crazy
I'll eat your underpants

I am crazy
Im not deadly
Im not freindly
I'll eat your face

I eat the brains of children
wear their skin like hats
I like to eat your pets
I like to stomp on cats

I'll burn down all your cities
I'll burn them to the ground
And if you see me comnig
you better start to frown
I get it - this is "tongue in cheek" stuff, and a pretty cool song, but 'killing children and wearing there skin as hats' kinda crosses the line for me, Maybe if you said "humans" or "people", it still would have been funny and in better tast
I like it man! The vocals have a touch too much reverb/delay, where the part with "wear their skin like hats" comes, thats where i noticed the vocals kind of got a but muddy, but this is death metal, it don't need to be ultra polished :D

I really dig the song as well :rofl: Great lyrics haha