my friend is getting married and her fiance is foot-dragging on setting the date













he's a dick, she knows it; they've been together like five years. he treats her like crap and makes her not go out so she can cook for his friends when they come over and stuff. and he makes fun of her and whines and complains because she got a breast reduction (she is skinny and was having back problems).

she's no milquetoast or anything,, really smart/interesting and, in all spheres outside of him, independent. there is really no explanation for why theyre together except that she really honestly must love him.
my god what an idiot. well, i mean she obviously sees his shortcomings and is willing to suck it up. but i mean, personally i wouldnt be able to stand watching that toxic train wreck go down.
seriously, the date they're thinking about but refusing to settle on is the date of another wedding i was invited to for someone i don't know too well, and i'm actually considering going just so i don't have to watch this schlub legally acquire a slave.

he's also the guy who came over our house and asked me what channel ESPN was and, when i said i didn't know, got really offended and said, "You've got to be fucking kidding me!" and took off his cap in shock and glared at me. not joking around, but honestly appalled and offended.
sorry greg. i was feeling pretty good until i got an e-mail informing me about this, too.

funny how this kind of crap is more a proof of the existence of love than positive, happy shit.
at least he's forcing her to have a Jewish wedding instead of letting her parents make them do the Catholic thing, so they can more easily get a divorce down the line.
alex, i probably wouldn't go either. i avoided a wedding last year for a girl my dad calls "THE SHIT MAGNET". because she just gravitates to guys who are total assholes. she was mad, but i mean.... i just didn't want to witness it. i heard it was a horrible wedding too. it's a hard choice to make.
We'll see. There's some drama I'd like to see--namely, my roommate left her boyfriend of eight years for his friend, who she's been with for almost three years now, and she (my roommate) and the friend will be going to the wedding; the eight-years-then-dumped boyfriend is the best friend of this sports thug guy and so he'll be there, too. And I don't think they've appeared in public together before?