my friend's ipod

Grumble Grumble

We die We all...
Oct 29, 2006
Saginaw,Michigan, USA
This is a pointless thread i know i apologize, but i think the reasoning behind it is of total logic.

my friend justin(alphacorvus,he posts rarely) sent me this picture of his ipod he got in the mail from the applestore yesterday.


I think its fucking fantastic personally.

i also find it funny, that due to my throwing money at the band for whatever they relase as far as music or merch goes, and my never ending obsessive listning to them, he has always called me "absurdly obsessed" with them. YET he does something like this lol.

Now I wish my ipod was as cool as that.

In the event that my ipod feels like taking a shit on itself, I'm definitely getting something neato laser printed on the back of a new one.

im not a big fan of ipods at all really(i much prefer the creative zen line) but god damn i cant get over how awsome that is.

i mean with all katatonia's great lyrics, think of the possibilities!!!!