My future


The Incredible Bulk
Aug 29, 2002
Western Sydney
Most of you guys saw my thread about Apolyom breaking up, well I got good news... I've officially joined another band.

I've been jamming with Celestial for the last couple of weeks and things are going great! Got 7 of the 8 songs on the cd down already and wrote a new one this week (it sounds massive). We're hoping to get back into gigging as soon as possible, so keep an eye out for it.

(btw my username and links and whatnot will change once I can do it hehe)

In the meantime, check out the site at

The site will be moving very soon to the metalofoz network so don't worry about it being a bit out of date in places.
Make sure you let us know when you start doing gigs so we can come and heckle!

Hey Celestial play some Apolyom songs!:D
play Mandatory Suicide you bastards!:headbang:
The year is 2019. Todd Querruel has just landed the plum drumming role with one of the world's most successful touring bands. The lights go down at the Sydney Megalopolis Arena and the band walk on stage. A silence falls over the crowd in anticipation. Suddenly, from somewhere near the front of the stage, a single voice cries out "Mandatory Suicide"!
I'm not about to. The Who was extreme in their day, particularly because they were a Mod band, and Mods simply didn't form bands so just by existing they were going against the grain of convention. But when Townshend smashed his guitar in the 60s, it was an expression of the rage and frustration of youth (although, apparently, the first time he did it was simply to stir up the crowd a bit). Now if he does it, it's just part of the act.
So why will Slayer be any different in 15 years? Sure they may not bang their heads quite as hard, but I'm sure they'd still rock. At least on the songs not about puppies and summer love heartache.
I dont think their bodies will be up to it phloggy :) They are all in their forties, im not sure a 55 (or more) year old could play Angel Of Death on guitar... Not to mention Dave Lombardo having to keep up :)