Sad news (well for some I suppose)


The Incredible Bulk
Aug 29, 2002
Western Sydney
Since news is spreading pretty fast at the moment, I'll make it official....

Yes, Apolyom have broken up

I won't go into the reasons on here, since there's quite a few factors involved. It won't be the last you see of the members though... I've already gotten offers from other bands and Shayne is lining up something new as well.

I don't know if there will be any talk of reforming down the track... but for now, it's been an interesting couple of years... mostly fun, sometimes trying and downright frustrating at times.

Over and out for the last time

(dunno what's gunna happen with my username, may leave it as this till I know what I'm doing next)
Bummer dude, now which band are we going to get to play mandatory suicide? :)

In all seriousness, if you want a join socialist noisecore swing band, then we may need a drummer.
Hey you never know where I may end up... although I'm doubting Canberra is high on the list! :p

I don't think it really matters who I end up playing for... you're still going to scream for it anyway ya bastard!