My Girlfriend Love's The Not Man...pic's

Buddy_Love_Bomb said:
Well If she's on the list does that make me her guest? and there will be no diping unless its on

First you admit to your crush on Danny, now Rob !?!?!?! What is it about Lead Guitarists that get all the groupies?
Well This is what I will Do, Alot of you out there Wont admite that Dan Spits was a great player. and he was, i know alot of you hate on him, but, he is really a good guy, The only bad shit you heare about him is the 20 Questions he did, and he was just acting a fool, now I aint trying to stick up for him, but he is a real cool person. He is a real nice guy once you get to know him, and I know alot of you are gunna trip, sayin I am on his nutze But I aint, He is real cool, You should check his site out, He responds to almost every one that says anything, thats more than any curent member of Anthrax does, I know alot of you will say that Anthrax has a job and he dont. I know his fan base is Small But he takes the time to replay. I mean shit, Charlie reads this from time to time, and never replys, would it kill the boys to say hi from time to time?, no But at leats Dan takes the time to say way whats up. I am Drunk and will just leave it at that.. ANTHRAX 4-EVER!!!!!!
Buddy_Love_Bomb said:
........ I am Drunk and will just leave it at that.. ANTHRAX 4-EVER!!!!!!
Because of the fact that you are drunk, and you've got such a hottie for a GF, we won't tease you about your drunk-ass spelling. (or the fact you currently reside on Danny's nuts...) LMAO!!! :p
The Man said:
any girl who will let you take an wear and anthrax shirt and let you take upskirt pics standing in front of a not man banner meats my hearty approval.
damn i fucked that one up. meant to say any girl who will let you take upskirt pics in an anthrax shirt in front of a not man banner is cool by me.
hey buddy i never see you online anymore. I wonder if Dan would hire you as his body guard. I can see it, he's walking to his favorite bar with you a few steps behind and a guy wearing an Anthrax shirt runs up and says "hey you're that lazy eyed midget" and dan just says "sick em Dave-o"

I need to get an anthrax shirt for my GF do they have baby tees or anything?
Jono said:
I need to get an anthrax shirt for my GF do they have baby tees or anything?

At one time there was notice on the web sight about Anthrax chick wear. I think they do have a babydoll tee. I'm waiting for an Anthrax thong, maybe with the notman on the front. :grin:
Jono, I see you on all the time, I message you from time to time, but its like you never get them so I gave up.. Dont know what the deal is... The shirt Jessica (GF) has on is the only Girlie Anthrax shirt I know of. Thay only had Med, and Large. She had to get the med. but would have been better to get a small, oh well should have got a small when I had the chance..
Jono said:
hey buddy i never see you online anymore. I wonder if Dan would hire you as his body guard. I can see it, he's walking to his favorite bar with you a few steps behind and a guy wearing an Anthrax shirt runs up and says "hey you're that lazy eyed midget" and dan just says "sick em Dave-o"-Jono-

lLMMFAO!!!!!! :p