MY hate

Son of Metalman

No Visible Cheesegraters
May 26, 2001
"I hate the way you always twist the truth to fit your twisted point of view"

I fucking hate how I'm the one who did everything right, and made the sacrifices, and paid the money and made the effort, and then I'm the one who ends up sitting at home alone, wondering why I'm the one who ends up feeling like the most worthless piece of shit ever created, with little hope in sight?

It doesn't make sense sometimes. I should be the happy one, because I was done wrong. I should have found someone and they should treat me as great as i treat them. but it doesn't work that way. I find someone perfect, and they prefer to be treated like shit by their ex. When did it become a crime to show courtesy and respect, and to romance a girl? Is the world so fucked that a girl would prefer to be ignored and ridiculed by their other half? I didn't realise mental abuse was a turn on.

I hate all girls who think that I am not on their level, that somehow the way that they look and act is better than how i look and act. Fuck them. Take a fucking chance to look at who I am, what I am, and how I feel. I am surprisingly deeper than you think. I deserve better than to be ignored, and ignored, and then spurned for no other reason than that you've discovered there are other guys who might be better looking than me. Let me tell you something, I have something they don't. I have a personality than you could drown in, I can say things and show you affections other people could never fathom in their whole lifetime. And I can show so much love. All I want is to be loved in return, I'd hate to think that I'm asking the world.

In conclusion, fuck you Emma Yau. Fuck you to hell, you deserve whatever comes to you in this life. It will be recompense for absolutely ripping out my heart, and leaving me unable to go through a single day without remembering something about you that depresses me. I hope that you never find happiness because you don't deserve it after the way you treated me. The only thing you deserve is to grow old alone, and look back and realise how different your life would have been if you had truly known me, because I showed you unerring love the likes of which you will never receive again. Thank you for letting me out, so that I can at least try and meet someone who will succeed where you monumentally fucked up. When I am happy again, I will remember you, because you are the pinnacle of how not to treat a person, and I will always remember that. You destroyed the biggest part of me, and I'm going to start again.

"A metal heart is hard to tear apart"


sorry guys, don't even bother reading this! I needed to vent in the biggest way, due to a stupid, selfish whore-devil. I feel so much better now, I just needed to get these feelings out.
I understand everything you have just written there!

its always the one who was done wrong that sits at home wondering what happend, and feels bad, because they are the one with the heart and the brain capicity to function that something has gone wrong, where as the mindless fuckers who break your heart are too stupid and selfish to realise what they are doing usually!

What you have to remember is, your cunting ex will never grow and learn until she gets her heart broken, therefore will never become the better person, you however are, because you've learnt something, and wont treat others the way she has!

But the one thing you have to do, is hold on to what she taught you, but not let it make you too bitter, otherwise although you will keep the shit out and reduce the chances of it happening again, you may well find yourself blocking out the right one - thus landing up alone!

Im sorry this bitch has done this to you, but if its made you stronger and not completely destroyed you, then its a battle you have won!
Son of Metalman said:
"I hate the way you always twist the truth to fit your twisted point of view"

sorry guys, don't even bother reading this! I needed to vent in the biggest way, due to a stupid, selfish whore-devil. I feel so much better now, I just needed to get these feelings out.

hugs babe!

When i saw the title i figured it out especially after the convo we had earlier that day. Was gonna reply before but um was having a nerd fit.

Venting is always good especially amongst friends, duck. It definately does you NO good

I know it is hard when you look back at certain times and wonder why the hell it happened to you - and wish you never met her etc.

One day - probably when you are an old fogey like meself - you will be with Mrs perfect and think well - thanks for fucking me up bitch cuz now i know how truly beautiful Mrs Sam is ;)

Number 1 long term was the biggest waste of space for me - and the same for him indoors.

but right now i realise we are in the happiest place ever - and even with them fucking us around back in the day - it works out well now - we are happy and sorted, while 8 years on they are still going round messing their lives up.

I would love to meet his ex and shake her hand and thank her for dumping rw - if she never had then i might not be with him now ;)

Go do loads of moshing, listen to theraputic music, as you are ;)
and know that at the end of the day she is the loser - because she gave up the crazy clever mad happy person that is Sam - son of the Metalman :)
Just chill - and mrs perfect will appear when u least expect :D

Uber hugs for you dear and talk soon :D
Its good to rant ;)

Im sure most folk here could give you a similar story or a time when theyve said those exact things!

Pick yourself back up again comrade - been there more times than id care to admit to, so i know how you feel.

You need to be with your friends, and realise that there clearly is more to life! Having fun, goin the pub, watch telly, have a food fight, worship jeff the god of biscuits.. whatever floats your boat mate!

Life seems bad, but you will get back on your feet. Youre a metal fan, so are the top of the evolutionary scale, remember that ;)
Thanks to all who replied, i didn't expect a response coz i was just rambling! I had a seriously great weekend, and you know when things just pick up out of the blue? it's awesome!

Life's too unpredictable, but yea I know this happens to everyone. I'm glad she did what she did, I will end up in a better place coz of it. And I realise I'm in no rush to find the right person, it will happen when I'm not looking one day, i'll just turn around and be like "wow, so it's you" or something stupid.

My winning line for ex bitch was "do you like me? in THAT way?" I think she fell for my cheesiness! More cheese than a true metal festival! hehe

Well, back to the old grindstone (i.e. listening to PRIEST!)

and thanks again, we truly are at the top of the foodchain. there isn't one proper metal fan I know who is less than intellectual. it's awesome :D