Latin, NOT Mexican.
I do not open myself to people in the internet anymore, so you can count me out of it. I understand what you are saying but im not saying the real life its better its much worst. I have 2 real friends in the world and 1 of them its not talking to me cause of sentimental problems we have. That lives one that its my band mate but i hardly talk to him and feel i could open to him if i wanted to but it will make things too unconfortable in the band.
If you made real internet friends im happy for you. But take your pc and smash it to the ground. do not buy another. All the contact with your internet friends its over ( asuming phone its not an option cause its expensive do not consider phone ). Im just proving you how fragile are human relationships, and internet ones being number 1 to make caues its easier, and number 1 to break cause they are the most fragile.
If you made real internet friends im happy for you. But take your pc and smash it to the ground. do not buy another. All the contact with your internet friends its over ( asuming phone its not an option cause its expensive do not consider phone ). Im just proving you how fragile are human relationships, and internet ones being number 1 to make caues its easier, and number 1 to break cause they are the most fragile.