My House Of Blues clip


Feb 18, 2002
St. Petersburg, FL
Well we finally got to play there, we packed the place is was great! I was so nervous until that curtain opened to 1000 people screaming and I just went nuts:p They invited us back in August for our CD release party, here's a quick clip a friend took with his phone. While I was playing I kept thinking "Wow I saw Anthrax here 2 months ago!"
First let me speak some internet: Strong video to signature ratio!

Even if the lazy cunts on this board are not going to comment, I liked the video and would listen to a full album from your band! You the man sufferer, you the man!
First let me speak some internet: Strong video to signature ratio!

Even if the lazy cunts on this board are not going to comment, I liked the video and would listen to a full album from your band! You the man sufferer, you the man!
Thanks bro! Yes they treated us very good (because we packed the place) but I will never get over the policy of "pay us or go to the back of the line" that I've endured from the last 2 Anthrax shows there so my signature shall remain intact. It's principle! The deli trays and beer-packed fridge in the dressing rooms was pretty awesome though lol :rock: