My humble version of Hope Leaves


New Metal Member
Feb 5, 2004
Calgary, Canada
Hi everybody. I recently started playing around with my room mates recording equipment and thought I would share. The first thing I recorded, just to get a handle on how the equipment worked, was a punk song I wrote an eternity ago. With my new found confidence after the simplicity of that project (I'm not sure why I was so pleased with myself, it sounds like shit! :D ) I decided I was up for re-creating a track off of one of the cleanest sounding albums I have ever heard, Damnation. Naturally, I picked my favorite track from it, Hope Leaves. Being so new to the role of engineer while recording, the results weren't super professional, but all in all I'm fairly pleased. I ran out of tracks by the end of it. And I messed up when routing effects and as a result I wasn't able to use everything I intended to in the final mix (I was hoping to be able to compress the shit out of the guitars to his my shitty playing, but it was not to be). It was recorded on an old Roland VS-840. Drums are courtesy of a Boss DR-770 drum machine. You can get the track HERE. Obviously enough it is the track titled "Hope Leaves". The track titled "Trust" is the old punk rock tune I mentioned earlier. Anyway, I hope you dig it. If anyone from the band is listening I would love to hear from you. Cheers! :headbang:
Vocal's aren't TERRIBLE, I don't think, but they could definitely use some work, and aren't very clear-sounding at all. For the rest, I like it, great song to begin with, etc.
Some of the vocals werent bad at all...other parts were out of key and whatnot...but overall not a bad job. The instrumentation sounded fine too...except for the effects were different...but hey, thats the beauty of interpretation.
I give you credit for trying to sing that song... the vocal line is very odd, hard to really nail. Some parts were way off, like "I'd never notice", but overall not too bad.
Yea not bad man, I love hearing people record there own versions of stuff.

How did you do the drums?
I reckon that if you slowed down the guitar just a little bit, it would actually improve your vocals a bit, feel what you're singing rather than thinking about it, because there is definate potential in your vocals.

I wasn't mad about the guitar tone, but It'll do, everything was played well. Good job.
I also listened to your punk song aswell man. Although I never listen to punk and I'm not the biggest fan of the genre, I think you have a good song there. Especially since the recording quality wasn't professional, I still found I wanted to listen to it. It's one the better punk songs I've heard recently, well done.
I think it sounds decent, only the guitars sound a little sloppy, and a tad too much distortion on the leads. Your vocals have potential, but you'll have to work on it. Nice try.
I found it was really good, and I liked the vocals a lot. They were a little better at the beginning than the middle and ending, but overall I found it was a good cover. :headbang:
Thanks for the replies folks. It did turn out pretty fast, eh? Oh well that's what you get when you record the drums without listening to the track first to sync it up.

Rejvk said:
How did you do the drums?
The drums were programmed by me on a Boss DR-770 drum machine. I'm still pretty bad with it. Part of the legacy of no formal musical training.

Rejvk said:
I wasn't mad about the guitar tone, but It'll do, everything was played well.
Yeah, I'm not huge on it either, but it is a product of the way I am forced to record. The recording is done in the living room of my appartment. I can't mic an amp because a) there are otns of old dicks in my building that freak out at the first hint of a guitar, and b) my amp is a piece of shit! As a result, everything is run straight into the board without so much as a preamp to make it sound better. If I wouldn't have messed up in routing the effects I wanted and been able to use all of the ones that I wanted it would have sounded a bit better. As for vocals, I know I'm not the best singer out there by far, but I also have the handycap on a crappy old mic and the awesome acoustics of my living room to further hamper things. If you listen to just the vocal track you can even hear a plane fly over at one point! If I had more tracks to work with it could have been better too. Cheers.
nice job! I even waited for 20 mins for it to download over my $@@# dialup lol I think it would put a smile on Mikael's face to hear it

Now that I am getting a better handle on how my recording equipment works, I think I am going to re-record it with better tempo and effect management to see how much better I can get it. Stay tuned.